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it kind of depends.... if it's a boy or girl.... either way you should probably go see a docter or at least get it checked out...

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Q: Weird rash on the inside of your thigh that looks a sunburn it has peeled and turned red again the problem is you havent been out in the sun what is this and should you go to the ER?
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Will peeling sunburn discolor your face forever?

Well, I got a bad sunburn at the moment, where it was blistering, and now i peeled it, sadly I look like a pink and brown cow now because i peeled, I have heard from many people that it would go away in 5 days, not sure though, I wish you the best

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A peeled orange floats A not peeled orange sinks

Why does a peeled banana turn brown?

Because they rot quicker. There's a greater surface area , both the inside and the outside , that is exposed to the air .

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peeled = rang

Why does a peeled orange sinks?

the peeled orange have less density as compare to unpeeled orange that why the peeled orange sink in water

Is this sentence written in active or passive voice The apples were peeled and quartered?

Passive voiceThis is a passive sentence. We can't tell from this sentence who peeled and quartered the apples.Compare with this active sentence - (we know who does the action):Jason peeled and quartered the applesThe apples were peeled and quartered (by Jason)In passive sentences the agent can be left out or put at the end of the sentence using by.

My fish won't swim right is there something that I should know about?

It probably has a problem with its swim bladder. Chop some peeled frozen peas for it to eat.

What is the past tense of peel?

The past tense of peel is peeled.