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no they weren't

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Yes, Roman children were allowed to watch gladiator fights. It was a common form of entertainment in ancient Rome, and children were often present at these events alongside adults. However, the level of parental supervision and guidance varied depending on the family and social class.

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Q: Were roman children allowed to watch gladiator fights?
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What was the site of gladiator fights?

The site of gladiator fights was the Roman Colosseum

How did the Roman Empire have gladiator fights?

For entertainment.

Did the Carthaginian people have gladiator fights?

After it became a Roman city.

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What is a Roman amphitheatres?

Where they stage battles, gladiator fights, and plays ..almost like a colleseum

Why did they always have gladiator fights IN ancient Rome?

They did not "always" have gladiator fights in ancient Rome. The gladiator bouts were reserved for special occasions or celebrations. They were a part of ancient Roman culture which, according to some sources, affirmed Rome's conquest of man and beast.

What civilization showed Romans the display of gladiator fights?

The Etruscan civilization that ruled much of the Italian peninsula showed Romans the practice of gladiator fights. Later on when the Etruscans were defeated largely by the Roman City State, this practice continued.

Most famous amphitheater where gladiator fights occured?

The most famous amphitheater where gladiator fights occurred was the Colosseum.

Why were gladiator fights an important part of life for the roman mop?

Gladiator fights were the action movies of today. They portrayed historical battles, executions, and just simple fights for fame, money, and glory. Entertainment keeps citizens peaceful, so officials would throw gladiator events in order to keep the crowd entertained and peaceful. Also it was a great gambling method.

What is savage about Roman Amphitheatres?

People were killed in gladiator fights and "Nonbelievers" were fed alive to lions. I get a feeling your in 2cd grade

What was gladiator fights like back in the day?

Gladiator fights involved men who were prisoners of war, slaves, or unwanted and they were armed with weapons and light armor and fought to the death. At many gladiatorial fighting locations, animals like lions and bears were starved and forced to fight themselves and gladiators. The most famous gladiator fighting arena was the Roman Colosseum. These fights were very bloody and brutal, and they served to entertain the Roman people just like sports entertain us today.

Where were Roman gladiator contests?

Gladiator matches took place in ampitheatres (like the Flavian Ampitheatre or Colosseum) and were staged after the venationes (animal fights) and public executions (noxii). And they took place in Roma