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No. It's most ironical - both sides were equally unsatisfied with it. But 'equally' is your clue. It balanced the situation, and kept the peace for thirty years.

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Q: Were the extremist in both north and south satisfied in The Missouri Compromise?
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How can you make a sentence with Missouri Compromise?

The Missouri Compromise was done in 1820. The Missouri Compromise decided North and South Power.

What attempts did north and the south make to compromise?

They made the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850.

How was the balance of power between the north and south preserved?

the Missouri compromise

Was Missouri compromise in the north or south?


What did the north and south gain and give up in the Missouri Compromise?

The Missouri Compromise provided that no Slave State could be established to the north of a line represented by the parallel 36° 30' coincident with the Southern boundary of Missouri.

What legislation said that no other state north of an established boundary could enter the Union as a slave state?

The Missouri Compromise (1820)

Was there slavery in the northwest?

no because after the Missouri compromise it was prohibited to have slaves north of Missouri

Did The Missouri Compromise cause much division between the north and the south?

No. It kept the peace for thirty years. Neither side was satisfied with it. Fortunately, they were both equally dissatsfied, and this kept the balance.

What states are north of The Missouri Compromise?

All states north of the 36-30 parallel, except Missouri itself

Why did some northerners object to dividing the nebraska territory in two?

It would allow slavery to spread north of the line established by the Missouri compromise. - Novanet

What groups split between The Missouri Compromise?

The Missouri Compromise splits the early America into the South (where slavery is upheld) and the North ( Where slavery is banned)

How did the land North of the Missouri Compromise Change?

there was no slavery allowed