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Cloning was still at an early stage, when Dolly the sheep was clones it suffered from cancer and other sickness which will also happen to humans when cloned. Also remember the clone might try to take over YOU and YOUR LIFE!

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1w ago
  1. Ethical concerns about playing "creator" with life.
  2. Loss of genetic diversity and potential for negative long-term consequences.
  3. Uncertainty about the effect on individual identity and sense of self.
  4. Potential for exploitation and misuse in areas like human cloning.
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15y ago

go to and just go Google search it.

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Q: What 10 reasons why cloning is bad?
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What ten reasons why cloning is good?

1. Cloning prevents extinction

What is the same as bad?

because when the cloning is bad to you that it is bad .

Why was the book 'Jurassic Park' banned?

it is banned because it talks of cloning and that is bad! it is banned because it talks of cloning and that is bad!

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What was the purposes of cloning?

Depending on the type of cloning you are talking about, Cloning can be used for medical reasons. Scientists are trying to clone vital organs such as hearts, eyes, lungs, etc.

Human cloning good or bad?


Why is it cloning is bad?

decrease in genetic diversity

What are the bad things about cloning?

It is believed that it will give the clone a shorter life span

Is cloning good or bad and why?

Its bad because it's unnatural. But so are polio vaccines! Cloning parts for people to save their lives could be a good thing!

Is there such thing as cloning?

Animal cloning started about 10 years ago, with Dolly the Sheep.

What are the reasons for human assisted cloning?

Sex. Drugs. Rock and Roll.

What are the reasons for human-assisted cloning?

Sex. Drugs. Rock and Roll.