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police terror





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9y ago

Soviet Union, under the rule of Joseph Stalin, practiced a totalitarian form of government. This kind of governing uses 4 methods of control, namely: police terror, indoctrination, censorship and persecution.

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8y ago

There are a number of such techniques including:

  1. Secret Police
  2. Monitoring Cameras
  3. Incentivizing Snitching to the Government
  4. Propaganda (visual, auditory, etc.)
  5. Rote Exercises
  6. Execution of Anti-Regime Advocates
  7. Limiting Freedoms of Speech, Press, Assembly, Religion, and Movement
  8. Limiting Access to Other Countries
  9. Military Might and Power
  10. Insuring that only one party exists, the one that controls the government. No other political parties are allowed.
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9y ago

1. industrial policies

2. agricultural policies

3. art/religion

4. education

5. control methods

6. propaganda methods

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