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Q: What Arab country borders the Eastern shore of the Dead sea?
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Is Iran a Mideast country?

No. Middle Eastern countries are Arab nations and Iranians are not Arab.

What two countries form the Southern and Eastern borders of the United Arab Emirates?

Saudi Arabia and Oman.

Where continent Omar country located?

The country of Oman is located on the continent of Asia, specifically in the eastern part of the Arabian Peninsula. It shares borders with the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen.

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What county is Syria?

It is a Middle-Eastern country. It borders Lebanon, Jordan, & Palestine. It is an Arab country, who's religious rates are 76% Muslim, 20% Christian, & 4% other. Syria is ruled by President Bashar al-Asad.

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What is the only country in the middle east without an Arab majority?

Turkey, Iran, Israel, and Cyprus are non-Arab Middle Eastern countries.

Which Arab country has no desert?

There is no such animal. Every Middle Eastern country has some desert areas. There are countries like Lebanon which have very few deserts, but there is no Middle Eastern country entirely devoid of deserts.

What large non-Arab country is on Iraq's eastern border?

IRAN . formerly 'Persia'.

Is Israel the only country in the Middle East that is Arab?

No. Most countries in the Middle East are Arab, but Israel is not. Additionally, Turkey, Iran, and Cyprus are non-Arab Middle Eastern countries.

Is Dubai from the middle east countries?

Dubai is part of the United Arab Emirates, which is a Middle Eastern country.