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Q: What British colony became independent in 1948?
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When was Burma separated from India?

It wasn't. It was a British colony until 1948, when Burma became an independent union outside the British Commonwealth.

Why was 1948 important for Jews?

Israel was released from being a British protectorate and became an independent democracy in 1948.

What date did sri lanka become and cease being a colony?

Became a colony of British in 1815 and freed on 04/2/1948

When did India stop being in the empire?

India became an independent republic in 1948. It remains a part of the British Commonwealth.

In which year did Sri Lanka acquired its independence?

Sri Lanka acquired its independence on the 4th of February, 1948 from the British Empire.

When did Irish repudlic gain freedom from UK?

By Treaty 06dec1921, the Irish Free State became autonomous but within the British Empire. It became independent in 1937, but Ireland remained in the British Commonwealth until 1948.

When did Israel become an independent nation?

Modern Israel became independent on May 14, 1948 (5 Iyar 5708).

When did Burma become independent from its colonists?

Burma became independent from its colonists in February 4, 1948.

What year did Israel became an independent state?

Israel became a state on May 14, 1948 when they declared independence with the neighboring Arab states.

When is Israel's Independence Day?

Israel became an independent country on May 14, 1948.

Is India still a British Colonies?

They have been independent Nation since August 5, 1948.

When Ireland become a free state?

It became independent in 1922 and declared itself as a republic in 1948.