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I can't tell you what Christian religion allows for remarriage but I can give Bible scripture on what the word of God says. You must first go back to the cause of divorce. In the book of Matthew chapter 5 verse 32 we are told that "whoever divorces his wife for any reason except sexual immorality causes her to commit adultry; and whoever marries a woman who is divorced commits adultry". In Matthew 19:3-9 the Lord speaks again on the matter. The only reason ever given anywhere in the scriptures is for fornication. Now with that being said there are only two things that can sever or end a marriage. One being a divorce for the cause of fornication, the other being death. Now in this case being divorce, that is , you being the one that divorced your spouse for the cause of fornication or "adultery" then the word of God allows for remarriage. Now this also goes further in the word of God saying in 1 Corinthians 7:39 and Romans 7:2-3. I can go into great detail but this will give a good start to the answer you might be looking for.

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Q: What Christian religion allows remarriage after divorce?
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