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Most parish Catholic Churches have a vigil Mass for all solemnities that are Holy Days of Obligation, if they fall on a weekend. During a weekday, it would depend on how much demand there was for such a Mass.

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Q: What Church has a vigil Mass for the feast of the Assumption?
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What is the name of the huge feast on Christmas Eve?

The feast on the 24th of December is known as the Vigil of Christmas, a first class feast, in the Extraordinary Form of the Mass. In the Ordinary Form it is just an Advent Weekday with a Proper for the Vigil. As of 4 pm, you may celebrate Vigil of the Nativity of the Lord - the First Mass of Christmas is properly celebrated at Midnight. In addition to the Mass at Midnight, there are separate Masses for the Vigil, the Mass at Dawn, and the Mass during Christmas Day.

Is Vigil Saturday Catholic?

Catholic Church usually have a Vigil Mass on Saturday evening which satisfied their Sabbath duty to hear Mass on Sunday.

What is a vigilant mass?

A vigil mass is a mass said on the day before a major feast day. Vigil masses are "waiting" masses, meaning that the approaching feast day is of such import that the Church desires the faithful to take a day to prepare themselves to celebrate it fully, with true hearts and clear dispositions. A vigil mass day is therefore usually a day of fast and/or abstinence and the mass itself has propers - specific prayers - that call the soul to purify itself in preparation of the feast tomorrow. In the old times, Vigils were there because the Sabbath started from sundown on the (now called sixth day) and ended at sundown on the seventh day.

What is the difference between a mass and a vigil in the Catholic church?

Mass is highest prayer of the catholic church.This is sign of receiving Christ while vigil is for mourning.It happens during the season of Lent.

Is communion given at the Vigil Mass?

Which Vigil Mass? Every major solemnity has a Vigil Mass and communion is distributed at each one. Eg: Christmas Vigil, Holy Saturday Easter Vigil, Pentecost Vigil, etc.

How is a convert at Easter Vigil done?

A convert is presented at the mass of the Easter Vigil and confirmed. The priest asks if the convert accepts all the teachings of the church and if he rejects Satan.

If you go to church on Saturday night do you have to go on Sunday?

No, technically it's a vigil Mass, which counts for your Sunday obligation.

When are catechumens received into the Catholic Church?

Usually at the Easter Vigil catechumens will receive the Rites of Initiation--that is, the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Communion.

What is a sentence using the word vigil?

She kept vigil by her father's bedside throughout the night, hoping for his swift recovery.

What time of day on Saturday is considered as a vigil mass?

Generally about two to two and a half hours.

Is the Assumption a holy day of obligation in 2009?

Yes, August 15. Officially this is considered a Holy Day of Obligation, but the US Bishops have abrogated the requirement to atttend Mass for certain Holy Days that fall on either Saturday or Monday, and Assumption is one of these. Thus, in the US there is no obligation to attend Mass on the Feast of the Assumption in 2009.

What is a vigil?

A vigil is a period of intentional wakefulness set aside for devotional activities.Roman Catholic AnswerA vigil in the Christian religion is the day, or evening before a feast of solemnity which has one. They used to be far more numerous than they are at present. Now we only have Vigils for three Solemnities: Christmas (Christmas Eve), Easter (the Vigil Mass), and Pentecost. from Modern Catholic Dictionary by John A. Hardon, S.J. Doubleday & Co., Inc. Garden City, NY 1980Vigil. The day or eve before a more or less prominent feast or solemnity. It was observed as a preparation for the following day with special offices and prayers and formerly with a fast, honoring the particular mystery of religion or the saint to be venerated on the feast day. The Church today observes solemn vigils for Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost. Although the number of such solemn vigils has been reduced since the Second Vatican Council, the church sill wants the notion to vigils to be kept alive in the minds of the faithful. Thus "it is fitting that Bible services on the vigils of great feasts, on certain ferial days of Lent and Advent, on Sundays and feastdays, should also have the same structure as the liturgy of the Word at Mass" (Inter Oecumenici, 1964, 38). (Etym. Latin vigilia, from vigil, alert.)A night before a religious feast