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All English law evolves over the years as it is a common law as opposed to civil law system. That is to say it is based on judges and courts interpreting facts an handing down judgments where no law already exists or is ambiguous. These judgments form a body of cases the decisions of which are "binding" on junior courts based on precedent or "stare decis". If the circumstances are the same the following court must follow the finding set down, only if the circumstances are different can it deviate. This is in contrast to civil law where everything is set down in statutes and codes.

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Q: What English law evolved over the years?
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What English law evolved over a number of years from the decisions made in the local courts of England?


What evolved in England over a number of years from the decisions made in the local courts of England?

English common law

What evolved in England over a number of years from a decisions made in the local courts of England?

English common law

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Common law evolved in the US because it was the system brought over by the British.

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It was more of a discovery than an invention. And it was not a single person who discovered it. The law gradually evolved over time.

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