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The New Jersey Plan.

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Berta Yundt

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William Paterson's New Jersey Plan (aka Small States Plan, Paterson Plan) represented the interests of the small states. Although the Virginia Plan was adopted as the model for most of the Constitution, the New Jersey Plan was used as a basis for creating the Senate, where each state has equal representation regardless of population.

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Q: What Plan represented the position of the smaller states at the Constitutional Convention?
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At the Constitutional Convention the makeup of the Senate was supposed to favor?

Smaller states since each state has two senators regardless of population.

How many states participated in the Constitutional convention and who did not?

12 of the 13 states sent delegations to what became the Constitutional Convention. Rhode island did not send anyone, likely because of misgivings about the representation to be given to smaller states. Rhode Island only ratified the Constitution in 1790 after the Bill of Rights had already been passed and submitted.

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The Great Compromise, also known as the Connecticut Compromise, solved the issue of how the states were represented in congress. Resolved in the Constitutional Convention of 1787, the Great Compromise solved the problem of representation for smaller states by having Congress have two senators for the Senate and proportional representation in the House of Representatives, based on population of the state.

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What did the three fifth compromise at the constitutional convention?

It was used to determine population of states. Southern states had 9 million slaves and the smaller states didn't want them counted in the population so each slave was counted as 3/4 of a person in the census.

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Roger Sherman rescued the Constitutional Convention when tempers were high, and he also proposed the Great Compromise, which let smaller and larger states get their way with representation: a.k.a. House of Representatives + Senate = Congress

What did the three fifths compromise at the constitutional convention determine?

It was used to determine population of states. Southern states had 9 million slaves and the smaller states didn't want them counted in the population so each slave was counted as 3/4 of a person in the census.

Which state walked out of the Constitutional Convention?

Only the state of Rhode Island (State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations) refused to send a delegate to the Philadelphia Convention (later called the Constitutional Convention) because they believed the Convention was really a conspiracy to overthrow the established government. Patrick Henry would have been a delegate from Rhode Island, if they'd chosen to participate. Of the 74 delegates invited, 55 actually attended. A few of the nation's most prominent leaders, such as Thomas Jefferson and John Jay, were absent because they were on diplomatic missions in Europe.

How the great compromises represented the interests of those who wanted a strong national government and those who wanted to have a strong voice?

During the Constitutional Convention of 1787, an agreement was reached to blend the proposals of larger states and smaller states regarding their congressional apportionment. The House of Representations was to be proportional to state population and the Senate would have equal representation for each state.

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The central conflict of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 was how representation in the US Congress was going to be determined. The combating sides were states with large populations vs states with smaller populations. Eventually, a compromise was reached, which is known as the Great Compromise.

How did Roger Sherman solve the arguments in the Great Comprmise?

The eldest statesman in Congress was Roger Sherman of Connecticut. Under the Articles of Confederation, the government was only unicameral (one house). Debating in the Constitutional convention, the smaller states were complaining that the larger states were going to have a larger representation than they resulting in a stalemate at the Constitutional Convention in 1787. Mr. Sherman suggested that the country be bicameral (two houses) where in one house are representatives elected by the people and the other house, there would be a representative from each state representing the state. After his original proposal was rejected, Benjamin Franklin stood on the floor with a prayer that how life was under a monarchy. This prayer turned the tide at the convention as states began to agree with Roger Sherman. Sherman also put in a requirement that each house of representative be represented by at least 30,000 voters. Eventually, states reversed their votes and voted for the bicameral approach by a margin of 5-4. Up to 1913, the state legislators picked the 2 senators. The Senate represented the interest of the states. In 1913, Amendment 17 was ratified requiring each Senator be voted in directly by the people which went into effect for the 1914 elections.