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The tropical sea snail that is used to make tyrian dye is the purple dye murex or spiny dye-murex), its scientific name being Haustellum brandaris (also Murex brandaris or Bolinus brandaris).

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Q: What Tropical sea snail is used to make tyrian dye?
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What was the snails name that Phoenician used to make purple dye?

A species of tropical marine snail belonging to the Murex genus, or more specifically the Murex brandaris and Murex trunculus sp., more commonly referred to simply as the Murex, as by Aristotle, used to used to make 'Tyrian Purple' dye.

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"Tyrian Purple," the purple dye of the ancients mentioned in texts dating back to about 1600 B.C., was produced from the mucus of the hypobranchial gland of various species of marine mollusks, notably Murex. It took some 12,000 shellfish to extract 1.5 grams of the pure dye. (copied from Because of the rarity of the mollusks, and large quantities needed, purple dye was VERY expensive, and only upper nobility could even afford it. At different times during history certain rulers have decreed that only the ruler of the country could wear purple. As if anyone else could have afforded it.

What sort of creature does the term 'murex' refer to?

The term murex is used to refer to a medium - large sized tropical sea snail. These snails are carnivorous marine molluscs. They are also often refered to as 'rock snails'.

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How did the Phoenicians get their name?

They were famed in Classical Greece and Rome as 'traders in purple', referring to their monopoly on the precious purple dye of the Murex snail, used, among other things, for royal clothing. Their name, Phoenicians, came from Greek Φοίνικες (Phoínikes), and the Greek phoînix "Tyrian purple, crimson; murex" (from phoinós meanings "blood red").

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Yes, a snail's mouth is unique. A snail's mouth contains a specialized organ called a Radula. The Radula is used as a rasp to scrap food particles into the snail's gullet.

How do you have snail race and what do you need for a snail race?

Snail Races are fun activities to do with snails! This is an outdoor activity and its best not to do it inside! all you need for a snail race are snails, a starting line and finishing line (tape can be used), stopwatch (optional). enjoy your snail races, and happy racing ! oh and don't forget to place bets on your fave snail ! :D

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A conch is a type of marine snail with a spiral shell that is commonly found in tropical waters. It is a gastropod mollusk, meaning it belongs to the same family as other snails and slugs. Conch shells are often used in jewelry and as musical instruments.

Can you eat a snail?

Yes, but not your normal garden snail. A snail dish is call escargot and is a snail that is prepared with garlic and butter. The snails used in these dishes doesn't come from the garden but is fed oatmeal to clean them out and then they are removed from the shell, boiled, and put back into the shell for serving.

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