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Why Leave Greece?
"Kokolis came over from Greece because back then times were very hard in the village. There was depression, war and famine, and my grandmother had so many kids to take care of. A lot of families were like us. I mean very poor. Kokolis brought them over here. I forget how many but the goal was to give them a better life, make some money, and send some money back over to help out their families." (Athen Mazias of the Hamilton Restaurant)

Greeks, like many other immigrants, came to America solely for economic gains. Much like the rest of Europe, the late 1800's through the early 1900's was a time of economic despair. This economic despair can be broken down into four points:
1. France had just undergone a blight that wiped out their Currant farms. Greek framers saw this as an opportunity to make money and in many cases destroyed their olive farms to be replaced by currants. However, when the French became able to grow currants again, the Greeks suffered a currant market crash because they had to many currants and not enough French buyers. (Meehan, 6)

2. Unfair taxes. The Greek government taxed the peasants ten to forty percent, of their income while the small business owners were only taxed five percent, and the elite were taxed nothing. (Meehan, 6)

3. Mandatory military service. (Meehan, 6)

4. The effects of tradition. The Greek Dowry system allocated for arranged marriage in which the groom was to be given plots of land or money. This led to many Greek men moving to America in hopes of making money to give to their daughter or sister. (Meehan, 7)

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How did Greek immigrants come to Australia?

Oral tradition states that the first Greek in Australia was a convict named Damianos Gikas who arrived in 1802, but there are no written records to confirm this. The first Greeks actually documented to arrive in Australia were a group of 7 men from Hydra who were convicted of being pirates: they arrived in Australia in 1828.

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Were the most immigrants come from?

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