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Black, an absence of visible color, appears such because it absorbs the visible light spectrum when struck. White is the presence of the entire visible light spectrum, and as such absorbs very little light. This is why white objects do not heat as quickly as black objects when left in direct sunlight. Of course, the heat that is actually stored by any object is infrared, which is why even with a pure white surface, that surface still captures some heat.

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Q: What absorbs more sun black or white?
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When in the sun would a black tin or white tin get hotter?

Black because it absorbs more heat.

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Yes, black absorbs light from the sun. The white reflect more so it is less likely to be as hot

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Black absorbs heat from the sun, white deflects heat from the sun.

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Because black absorbs heat and white reflects it off.

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White reflects the heat and light off the sun using a method known as radiation. Black absorbs the heat from the sun using the same method.

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The black cup gets hotter. White reflects solar energy, black absorbs it.

What happens when white light is shone onto a coloured object?

The object reflects the colour(s) you see and absorbs the rest. This is why black objects get hotter in the sun than white objects. The white 'colour' reflects much more energy (especially infra-red) whilst the black object absorbs more energy (especially infra-red).

Why does black hair attract sun?

It doesn't black just absorbs black and repels it more then most colours.

How is white and black different and say it with detail?

White objects reflects visual "light" where as black objects absorb it. black the color is every color so it absorbs all the light(every color in the spectrum), and white is the lack of color so it reflects all the light(every color in the spectrum) that's why you get warmer when you wear black in the sun because it absorbs the sun and white reflects it.

Does a black shirt or a white shirt absorb more sun?

A black shirt will absorb more sun than a white shirt will

Why does a black car gets hotter in the sun than a white car in the sun?

That has to do with how colour is seen. What happens is black absorbs all light (theoretically, in reality some light is reflected otherwise we wouldn't see it), which shows our eyes nothing. White reflects all light, which shows our eyes white. Black, absorbing all light, stores a massive amount of heat as radiation (no not like Radioactive Waste radiation), which is then radiated out. Basically, black gets hot faster because it absorbs more light.

Which absorbs sunlight white cloth or black paper or aluminum foil?

I think it is black paper because black absorbs all colours and white reflects all colours.