

Best Answer

Oranges Lemons Limes and Pineapples u can eat dem sometimez but not AZ often try eating otherz like the tasty strawberry or the sweet apple.

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Q: What acid foods that are acidic should you avoid?
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What foods should I avoid in relation to acid reflux?

Food to avoid would be anything that has an exceedingly high amount of acid in it. Acidic fruits such as oranges or lemons have a high amount of citric acid in them. I would try to stick to neutral foods and avoid acidic ones.

I have bad acid reflix which foods should I avoid?

If you have acid reflux, you should avoid any foods that are very acidic, such as citrus juices. Also avoid alcohol, vinegar and salad dressings, and anything especially high in fat.

What are recommended acid feflux foods to avoid?

If you want to avoid acid reflux you should definitely stay away from spicy foods, alcohol, acidic fruits like oranges, grapefruit, and lemons, coffee, tea, salad dressing, and anything high in fat and/or oil.

What kind of diet should someone with acid reflux eat?

People with acid reflux should avoid caffeine, greasy food, grains, sweets and acidic foods. Alcohol can also trigger heartburn, so it should be avoided. has a heartburn section that includes charts listing foods to be avoided, foods to eat with discretion and foods that are safe.

Do foods have acid in?

most foods are slightly acidic

What are some of the foods to avoid to prevent accid reflux from occuring?

High acidic foods are the best foods to avoid, such as tomatoes, citrus fruits and chocolate. Acid reflux is a terrible disease that causes the acid to rise from your stomach and can lead to esophageal problems if you do not maintain a healthy pH balance.

what foods should my husband avoid due to his acid reflux?

HIgh fat foods, alcohol, spicy foods, and citrus foods are main foods to avoid if you have acid reflux. Sodas and caffeinated drinks are easily avoided by people who have symptoms

what foods can you eat during a acid reflux diet?

Avoid foods that are high in acid. These include acidic fruits (grapefruit, orange, lime and their juice counterparts), salad dressings, onions, some meats and some desserts.

What types of foods should someone with acid reflux avoid?

I would avoid eating foods that have a lot of acid in them such as sodas, foods that have tomatoes in them, as well as some acidic fruits. Also if you eat something that triggers your acid reflux I would suggest drinking a little bit of milk. This helps me when I eat something with a lot of acid in it.

Where can I find a list of foods that cause acid reflux?

Acidic foods like citrus fruits and juices will definitely make acid reflux worse. For a list of foods to avoid to keep your acid reflux under control, I recommend this article:

What are some acid reflux foods?

Acid reflux can be triggered by various foods, most notably those that are spicy. In addition, acidic foods, such as tomatoes and oranges, or high-fat foods, such as poutine, can triffer acid reflux.

Diet for controlling Acid Reflux disease.?

Acid Reflux can be controlled by your diet. You need to avoid greasy foods such as fried foods and pizza. You should also avoid foods containing citric acid. Looking into an over the counter acid reflux control medication may allow your diet to be more flexible.