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Q: What acid is produce in cutting onions?
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What acid is in onion?

Sulfenic acids don't exist in raw onions; they appear as degradation products of alliin only after cutting onions.

Does wearing contacts prevent crying when cutting onions?

No. There is no research that says that cutting onions is good for your eyes. Cutting onions releases thiopropanol sulfoxide which, when it hits your eyes, creates a small amount of sulfuric acid. This is why your eyes burn and you cry when you cut onions.

What in the onion makes it have a strong taste?

Onions have a high acid content and this makes them strong in flavor and makes you cry when cutting them.

Will cooking onions reduce their acid content?

Heating acids degrades them which reduces the amount of acid content when it breaks the acids down. So by cooking onions you are in essence reducing the acidic content, but you are also concentrating other flavors. On a side note, if you are referring to reducing the eye irritation when cutting or bruising onions then that is a little different. Onions contain sulfuric compounds that produce sulfuric acid when they waft in the air and make contact with the water in your eye. The sulfuric acid burns your eye and your tear ducts release tears to try and wash it out or dilute it enough to stop the burning sensation.

Will you not cry if you chew gum while cutting onions?

it is true that if you chew gum while cutting onions you will not cry

Is picked onions acid or alkaline?


Which acid is used to preserve pickled onions?

Plain Silverskin Onions: silverskin onions, water, spirit vinegar, acetic acid, flavorings, preservatives

Why do you cry when you cut onions?

When You Cut Onions The Invisible Oil You Can't See Goes In Your Eyes And It Burns Your Eyes Alot And That's Why It Makes You Cry But You Don't Really Crie Like Sobbing,Your Eyes Are Just Burned And It Waters.

Is pickled onions a acid?

The onions arent an alkali or an acid,but the thing they're soaked in- vinegar makes them pickled. Vinegar is an acid.

What would be the variables for a science project with the topic of which will not make you cry chewing gum while cutting onions or chilling the onion before cutting it?

chill the onions before cuttin it

How do you cook onions so it does not give acid stomach I read that if you over cook by leaving onions on slow heat on BBQ it will help reduce the acid in onions prevent acid stomach.?

try freezing them first. or ask brady he will burn them for ya

Do onions contain citric acid?

Pickling is often done with vinegar, which is diluted acetic acid, making whatever is pickled acidic.