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Q: What acts of violence were committed by the KKK in Mississippi?
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What did the KKK terrorize ther victims with?

The KKK terrorized people with violence and much more commonly the threat of violence. This was very intimidating.

Where did the KKK do most of their violence?

it was most prevelant in the south

What was the method of the KKK?

Some of the methods of the KKK were violence and threats against black people and white republicans.

How did the KKK in America use to be?

The Ku Klux Klan was a violent and virulent organization that took as its central belief that only White Protestant Christian individuals had a right and privilege to live and govern in the United States. They proceeded to threaten numerous minorities, especially African-Americans, with violence. As part of these threats, they would leave burning crosses on the lawns of "enemies". They would also perform lynchings to murder innocent members of the minority groups and incite fear and further violence through such acts. In the Southern United States, from the 1880s to 1950s, the KKK was given almost free reign to sow unmitigated hatred and violence. The police oftentimes ignored or actively supported the KKK's acts of violence and terror since many Southerners were of the same mentality of human inequality that the KKK espoused.

Why did congress pass the enforcement acts?

to protect the south from the KKK

What groups in the South who used violence resist Reconstruction?


What were the Enforcement KKK Acts?

There was three bills that were passed against the KKK. The three bills were fight against the KKK, help blacks and kill them.

What violent acts were used in the KKK?

torching and lynching

Did any of the KKK get arressted?

Yes, many members of the KKK have been arrested throughout history for various crimes including acts of violence, terrorism, and hate crimes. These arrests have occurred at different times and in different places, targeting individuals who have been found to be involved in illegal activities associated with the organization. It is important to note that the KKK is an extremist group with a history of racist violence and intimidation.

What problems did returning African American face after World War 1?

Lynching and the KKK violence

Are you a terrosit if your in the KKK?

No, your not a terrorist if your a member of the KKK. A terrorist is when a person who use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments.

What attack have the KKK committed?

lynch and hate crimes..