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Perhaps DP8005 by 3M ???

Loctite Plastix Bonder

Bonds all plastics, even polyethylene and polypropylene

Two-part application - activator and adhesive, no mixing required

Yes, I found loctite Activator for superglue works well to make a strong, sealed patch on a polyethelene sheet (in my case, a rink liner with a hole).

Ans 5 - The best adhesive I've found for polyethylene is 'Gloozit Plumbers Goop'. It works well on many shiny, flexible surfaces

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Q: What adhesive used to bond polyethylene sheet?
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A polycarbonate glue like IPS Weld-On #4 .-Available from stores that sell plastics and fibreglass.

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from imogen_lourdes <3<3<3xxx p.s the best

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