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Q: What advice would Machiavelli give an absolute monarch of today?
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What is the definition of absolute monarch?

some monarchies today have symbolic or powerless parliaments that the monarch can dissolve or change at will. Countries are considered to be absolute monarchies when the power of their rulers are not restricted under their constitutions.

What governments today reflect Machiavelli's philosophy?


A political leader today would be wise to follow Machiavelli's advise or not?


Why is it sinful to follow Machiavelli's advice?

It was considered sinful to follow Niccolo Machiavelli's advice because it suggested in his book The Prince that future leaders should rule with reason and make choices based on ideas of humanism over religious beliefs. Unfortunately this was still fairly dangerous territory for men to speak of in his time, seeing as the Medici (a wealthy family who ruled through the church) was still in power. Machiavelli suggested that the qualities of a leader were of a kind sort but, when needed, could be the exact opposite. He was the one to propose many of the ideas on politics and philosophy that numerous world leaders use today. Therefore, although his ideals were very realistic, is seemed to cause a wave of trouble within the church. This is why it was considered sinful to follow Machiavelli's advice.

Does Europe have monarchy?

There are many European countries who have monarchies today, such as the UK, the Netherlands, Denmark, etc. Almost all of these are constitutional monarchies, where the monarch is the head of state, but there is also a political body (such as a parliament) where most of the power resides. Vatican City is the only European country to be an absolute monarchy, where the Pope is the absolute monarch. All other European countries, with the exception of Belarus (who is a dictatorship), are republics or representative democracies.

What is an autocratic monarch?

Any king, queen, emperor or empress that holds absolute power over a nation or territory. Autocratic implies this person is ruthless, coercive, makes bad decisions at times, does not listen to advice, and simply does as he or she pleases. the closest I think we have today is the head of the military regime in Myanmar (Burma) and Kim Jong Il of North Korea. while they're not called "kings," they act and have the same power as absolute, autocratic monarchs. I'd call they tyrants or despots.

Is there an actual absolute ruler?

The King of Saudi Arabia today is an absolute ruler.

What did machiavelli impact today?

Machiavelli's impact today can be seen in political philosophy and strategy, influencing discussions on power, leadership, and governance. His ideas on ethics in politics and the role of the ruler remain debated and relevant in contemporary discourse. His work continues to shape understanding of statecraft and diplomacy.

What countries have an absolute monarchy?

The only Absolute Monarchies today are Swaziland, Brunei, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the surprising one, Vatican City. I'm not sure about Tonga, where the King still holds a lot of power.also i have seen another answer saying Saudi Arabia. ...Morocco, Bhutan, Saudia Arabia, Vatican City, and Oman so im not really sure.good luckAn absolute monarchy is when a monarch has absolute power to do whatever they want. countries currently in this type of gov. are: Brunei, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and SwitzerlandjapanOne is Saudi Arabia.And another is Vatican City.Specifically, monarchies in which the monarch's exercise of power is unconstrained by any substantive constitutional law. * Brunei * Oman * Qatar * Saudi Arabia * Swaziland

How old is Niccolò Machiavelli?

Niccolò Machiavelli was born on May 3, 1469, and died on June 21, 1527. This would make him 58 years old at the time of his death.

Is absolute monarchy an authoritarian form of government?

It depends on the culture, the nation, and the ruler. For example, if the nation is very small (IE: a small island in an archipelago), then there is little need of a fragmented government system. In a larger nation (IE: France in the 1700s), an absolute monarchy would not work as there are just too many people to rule over without delegation.Again, it also depends on the ruler itself. A just, compassionate absolute monarch will put his or her people above personal gain. However, this does cause problems when the throne passes to someone else, someone who may not be as good as the previous ruler.Further answerIt also depends on what powers the monarch has. In today's England the monarch has very little actual power and is largely a figurehead. But in say Henry VIII's day the monarch had very much more power.It would also depend on the monarch - some were good, some were bad. Just like governments and dictators!

Niccolo Machiavelli's book The Prince has become famous today for its?

Niccolo Machiavelli's book The Prince is a non-fiction book published in 1532. His book is famous for its description of how to seize and hold power within a government or kingdom.