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Native Americans produced the earliest art forms in Latin America.They left a legacy of weaving, woodcarving, pottery, and metalwork.

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Q: What ancient art form inspired the regions painters?
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What is the plural possessive of the word painters?

The possessive form of the plural noun painters is painters'.Example: The painters' equipment was kept in the garage overnight.

Is painters a singular possessive?

No, the noun painters is the plural form of the singular noun painter.The singular possessive form of the noun painter is painter's.example: The painter's truck had a flat tire so he will be delayed.

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Do painters consider themselves artist?

Yes, nearly all painters would consider themselves artists. Painting has historically been considered one of the major fine arts. Yes, painting is a form of art. Van Gogh, Picasso and Dali are famous painters. Learn more at

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Well, they don't, actually. Hurricanes form in the more tropical regions, never the polar regions. Reason for that is basically there is more moisture in the atmosphere than in the polar regions. For a better explanation, please see the related question below.