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Get a rock or a small turtle food dish and place lettuce, fruit, or pellets on the dish. Buy a pair and you can have one for water too.

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Q: How do you feed your fresh water turtle and what?
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Is it okay to feed my baby red belly turtle frresh food and vegetables?

Yes, you can feed your baby turtle fresh food and vegetables. But don't give those too often. You can feed your turtle romaine lettuce, but do not feed any iceberg lettuce.

What is a fresh water turtle?

something that ends with, ''pin.''

What do terrapin turtles look like?

There's a good article on Wikipedia - see related link for a picture.

What kind of turtle live in fresh water?

snapping turtles i think

Does the leatherback sea turtle live in salt water or fresh water? can a fish tank have fresh water?????

What is boiler feed water?

Boiler feed is the fresh or treated water to replenish the water loss though evaporation or leak

What do you feed a red belly slider newborn turtle?

You can feed them fresh food (fruits). But you must give fresh food not too often and only for treats when your turtle grows older. You can also feed them live feeder fish for you turtle, such as small goldfish, guppies, and different kinds of tropical fish.(Only when they get older and only for a treat) You can also feed them worms that are alive, like earthworms, gardenworms, and bloodworms only for a treat. Just drop the worm in the water and your turtle will find it and will soon gobble it up. These treats sell at your local pet shop and are not expensive. You can also feed your turtle some little pieces of romaine lettuce. But do not ever feed it iceberg lettuce. But to a newborn turtle, you must only feed it dried krill or shrimp, because it is high in calcium, which is good for turtles and their shells, and also because it is nutritous. I hoped this helped. If you're curious and want to know more about turtles, please feel free to email me and I will send you an email quickly back. My email is:

What I'd the difference between a turtle and a taripin?

A terrapin is a turtle living in fresh or brackish water. Turtles sometimes live in land

Can a great white shark eat an alligator snapping turtle?

No. Sharks are saltwater fish and the turtle is fresh water. They will never meet.

What feed on plants?

you need a fresh air and the sun and the water.

The organisms that zooplankton feed on in fresh water ecosystems are?
