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You can feed them fresh food (fruits). But you must give fresh food not too often and only for treats when your turtle grows older. You can also feed them live feeder fish for you turtle, such as small goldfish, guppies, and different kinds of tropical fish.(Only when they get older and only for a treat) You can also feed them worms that are alive, like earthworms, gardenworms, and bloodworms only for a treat. Just drop the worm in the water and your turtle will find it and will soon gobble it up. These treats sell at your local pet shop and are not expensive. You can also feed your turtle some little pieces of romaine lettuce. But do not ever feed it iceberg lettuce. But to a newborn turtle, you must only feed it dried krill or shrimp, because it is high in calcium, which is good for turtles and their shells, and also because it is nutritous. I hoped this helped. If you're curious and want to know more about turtles, please feel free to email me and I will send you an email quickly back. My email is:

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Q: What do you feed a red belly slider newborn turtle?
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No. No.

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What fish can you feed your red eared slider?

Your turtle can eat feeder fish.

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you feed them, maybe live fish, turtle and teripin pelets/food. They also like live blood worms.

What is the best kind of turtle?

red eared slider are the est turtles as pets.but if you are keeping a mud turtle feed it earthworms.

What do you do when your red eared slider turns vicious?

You must feed it gourmet turtle food

What food should you feed your red eared slider?

You should feed them aquatic turtle food, such as Reptomin Floating Food Sticks.

Should you feed your red eared slider turtle with a food tray?

no,slider turtles have fixed tongues but no saliva for that reason they must eat inside water

Is it okay to feed my baby red belly turtle frresh food and vegetables?

Yes, you can feed your baby turtle fresh food and vegetables. But don't give those too often. You can feed your turtle romaine lettuce, but do not feed any iceberg lettuce.

how much should I feed my red eared slider turtle?

Depends on what size she is

What do Singapore turtles eat?

Feed your red-eared slider regularly. Turtles require different amounts of food depending on their size. If you are unsure how much food to feed your turtle, consult a veterinarian. Feed your red-eared slider a high-protein commercial turtle kibble, available at your local pet store. To supplement this food, give your red-eared slider chopped vegetables such as zucchini, kale, dandelions, squash, endive leaves and collard greens.

What to feed a 4-5 year old red eared slider?

feed it turtle food but make sure the food is big.feed it lettuce and krill.also earthworms and fresh fish.