

What animals adapted to the desert?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What animals adapted to the desert?
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What will happen to animals and plants if they are not adapted to the desert?

nothing they have already adapted to the desert life if you change it they will die

Are camels desert animals?

They are just adapted to live in the desert.

How have humans and animals adapted to life in Sahara desert and Antarctica?

they have adapted in life by drinking water and to be safe

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How are desert organisms adapted to the dry climate of a desert?

Desert animals have adapted to the desert climate with their tough, scaly skin that prevents water loss and protects them from extreme heat in the day & freezing temperatures at night.

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Animals or plants that have adapted to temperate climates have certain behavior patterns. Plants and animals in a desert for instance have adapted to use of low volumes of water and extreme heat.

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What is a desert scrub?

Deserts are usually devoid of life, but desert scrubs are abound with wonderfully adapted plants and animals.

Is the Sahara desert spreading a problem?

Yes - people can't grow food in deserts and animals that are not adapted to the desert will die

What kinds of life does a desert support?

The desert supports a wide variety of plants and animals that have adapted to living in an arid environment.

How can the animals in the Sahara desert live with out water?

The Oryx and the camel are both adapted to an arid desert life. But they both need to drink water, eventually.

Why do desert animals need long tails?

I don't think desert-adapted animals have long tails. They generally try to stay as small as possible to avoid massive heat build-up.