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Q: What animals did Gregor Mendel use in his experiments?
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Did Gregor Mendel use animals in his experiments?

Mendel studied plant inheritance.

What technology did Gregor Mendel use for his pea plant experiments?

Gregor Mendel didn't really use any technology. He basically observed the pea plants traits generation after generation, and the outcome of the same experiment repeated.

How many characteristics did Gregor Mendel use in his experiments?

Gregor Mendel studied sweet pea plants and was the first to discover magnifie glass (p.s. if i spelled something wrong sorry about that just as your parents):):D

Which plant did Gregor Mendel use in his famous experiments?

Mendel is famous for his work with pea plants. These experiments led to the Law of Segregation and the Law of Independent Assortment. Several different pea-plant traits were used in his experiments, including seed type and flower colour.

What did gregor Mendel use p plants to study what?

Gregor Mendel used pea plants to study heredity.

Why was it important that Gregor Mendel use true-breeding plants in his experience?

He needed a pure generation of plants to ensure that there were no recessive factors when he conducted his experiments on heredity.

Can you use Mendel in a sentence?

Gregor Mendel was a naturalist who created Punnet Squares.

What organism did gregor mendel use to conduct his experiment?

He used pea plants for his genetics experiment.

What did Gregor Mendel use to analyze his data?

his brain

Why didn't Gregor Mendel use computers or calculators?

During the life of Gregor Mendel (1822-1824) - any personal computer, etc. !

What was Gregor Mendel the first to use?

Gregor Mendel (1822-1884) was an Austrian monk and scientist (botanist) and is considered the father of genetics.

Did Gregor Darwin use fruit flies?

Gregor Mendel used fruit flies. There was no one called Gregor Darwin.