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Extinct animals have been wiped out by some kind of limiting factor, such as droughts, loss of land, flooding, or forest destruction. Some species of animals, such as the dinosaurs, are still being argued over by scientists on how the became extinct. But, a few years ago, An animal that was thought to be extinct was caught off of a Japanese ocean! It as the goblin shark. It was supposed to have died out millions of years ago, but its alive.

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12y ago
AnswerThis is a very vague question, for millions of animal species are extinct, but I will answer this as best as I can. First of, dinosaurs are extinct, and there is one major theory behind why. This is the belief that an immense meteorite hit the earth where the Gulf of Mexico is. This impacts threw tons upon tons of dust into the atmosphere, so much so that the sun was blocked for years and years. Plants died off, as did the herbivores, and thus the carnivores. Of course, some species survived. These animals thrived and continued to reproduce. As time went on, some animals died off simply because they were not deemed fit enough to survive, in other words, they just weren't capable of surviving in their environment any longer. Now, if you believe enough of what Darwin said, this is essentially descent with modification. Now as we came along, we being humans, we hunted and we spread. Whales, dodos, and so many other animals were hunted to extinction. So many undiscovered species of insects reside in the rain forest and we destroy there habitat, killing them forever. We have spread wide and far over Earth and we have moved into almost every animal's home. Albeit, we are not entirely responsible, the Ice Age killed millions of species of animals. The last cause for extinction that I can think of is fear and ignorance, snakes, wolves and all the other "scary" animals are killed for this reason. As for a list of animals that are extinct, I will have a list too long to create by myself.

Extinct animals are animals that used to live on earth but due to natural or man-made causes have all died out. The species is then called extinct.

That's true, but there is a little more to it. I will give a minimum amount: Most of the extinct animals were prehistoric. The reason why all the prehistoric animals are wiped out today is because of a meteor. One of the reasons why animals today are extinct is because of the loss of habitats, due to cutting down forests, and other living places.

AnswerBarbary Lion- Panthera Leo Leo

The Barbary lion was the largest lion of the subspecies. Barbary lions had a large black mane that covered its belly and ran down its back and shoulders. Big male lions weighed in over 500 pounds and grew up to eleven feet long.

AnswerDodo, dinosaurs, quagga, (although a breeding-back programme has recently commenced, through selective breeding of the southern Plains Zebras).

Also the Cape Lion, the American lion (which was the largest subspecies ever), The passenger pigon( flocks use to be in the millions darkening the evening skies)

Australian extinct species: This list includes the Thylacine (Tasmanian Tiger), Eastern Bettong, Eastern hare-wallaby, Tammar Wallaby, Toolache Wallaby, Pig-footed bandicoot, western barred bandicoot, and many species of hopping-mouse.

1 Dawson Caribou 2 Newfoundland Wolf 3 Giant Short-Faced Bear 4 American Cheeta 5 Mammoths


The main cause of the extinction of an animal species is humans. Habitat destruction, poor hunting management and illegal poaching are the main causes of modern animal extinction. Though animals prey on each other, this is not a likely cause of extinction. Disease and starvation can also be contributing factors. Therefore, proper conservation management is also needed to help maintain healthy animal populations to prevent the loss of additional species.

AnswerThe Marsupial Lion is now extinct. The Marsupial Lion looked feline with a muscular build, large stabbing teeth and cat-like claws. The prehistoric lioness carried its young in a pouch, in common with present day kangaroos. AnswerHistorically speaking, man has directly caused the extinction of many species (and counting). Some famous examples of animals include the ivory-billed woodpecker, the Tasmanian tiger, passenger pigeons, dodo birds, the great auk, and the elephant bird.

Since the year 2000 some notable species have become extinct. The Baiji dolphin, the West African black rhino, the golden toad, the Hawaiian crow, and the Pyrenean ibex have all disappeared forever in the past 8 years alone. Habitat loss is the leading contributor to extinction, but overhunting, exotic species introduction, and changing climate each have a role.

Information on species currently threatened with extinction can be found on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species -see Related links below.

It should be remembered, though, that not all species extinctions are the result of human activity. The dramatic rise in the rate of species extinctions in recent years, however, indicates that human activity is having a disproportionate effect on the planet's biodiversity.

For more information on extinct and endangered animals see Related links below.

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11y ago

The dodo is extinct for a number of reasons. When humans settled permanently on Mauritius, they cleared native dodo habitat, destroying nesting grounds. They also introduced various new species, all of which were a threat to the dodo. Dogs and pigs killed the birds; cats and preyed on the young chicks; and Crab-eating Macaques were introduced from Asia - these ate the eggs of the dodo.

The Thylacine, also known as the Tasmanian tiger, is extinct because the European settlers feared it was killing their livestock. A bounty was placed on it, so it was hunted to extinction. Scientists have also proposed the theory that, by the time the Thylacine was limited to just Tasmania, the remaining specimens did not have sufficient genetic diversity to sustain the population. A similar problem is currently affecting the Tasmanian devil, resulting in the spread of the fatal DFTD, or Devil Facial Tumour Disease.

There were once two species of bilby in Australia, but now there is just one. The Lesser bilby became extinct for several reasons. Expansion of agriculture pushed these bilbies back so that they could only live in deserts. Then, they became prey for introduced foxes and cats. The introduction of the rabbit, which voraciously eats much of the vegetation the Lesser bilby ate, reduced its food sources. Rabbits also dig burrows which cause problems for the bilby's habitat, as they tend to cause the bilbies to be caved in. The bilby's habitat has also suffered from being trampled on by herds of stock animals.

Currently, there is just one type of emu, but there used to be three known species. Two species of dwarf emu inhabited Kangaroo Island (off the South Australian coast) and King Island (in Bass Strait) but they became extinct once whalers began visiting and settling the area. The whalers hunted the emus for food.

The Toolache wallaby was a particularly attractive wallaby of Australia. It became extinct for two main reasons. It was hunted for its fur and for sport. The main factor that led to its extinction, though, was habitat clearing, the loss of native vegetation and the fact that its habitat was changed so drastically through being drained. Swampland was important in the Toolache wallaby's habitat, and these regions were drained for agriculture.

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11y ago

Alot of animals are becoming extinct they include a lot of fish and aquatic life, pandas, rainforest animals and polar bears. This is for a lot of reasons, Reason 1 - Because we are cutting down a lot of rainforests either for the wood or for more space so this is destroying the animals habitats so they then die out. Reason 2 - Because there are more people on the planet now and that number is growing everyday, we need to make more food, so a lot of animals are hunted and killed for food and even for fun. Reason 3 - For sport, there are a lot of sports that include killing animals for example fishing, in Canada there is a sport where you have to whack seals on the head, killing them. Reason 4 - Because of global warming the polar caps are melting destroying animals that live in the cold climates homes. Also this make weather change in different places which might effect animals.
The Japanese are whaling in a whale sanctuary and they are there illegally.

Many animals are getting extinct because its all part of global worming. That's why we all should help save them. Many spieces from penguins are already extinct.
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15y ago

because some animals need specific things for example polar bears need ice to survive on and it needs to be very very cold or the ice would melt. Although other types of animals dont need all of that they could survive in cold or hot weather that is y.

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14y ago

dinosaur, dodo, saber tooth tiger, mammoth, and most of the early creatures because of climate change

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12y ago

The dodo and the passenger pigeon were hunted to extinction by man.

Because we could.

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Animals that are extinct from the earth are animals that used to live on the earth but are all dead now. Endangered animals are almost extinct.

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If an animal is extinct, that means that there are no more living members of that animal species on the planet Earth. Therefore, by definition, there can be NO extinct animals in the Amazon.

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Humans have been destroying the Earth for a long time. In doing so they have taken away many things animals need to survive and their homes. So by ruining the Earth we are killing the animals and many are extinct or near extinction nowadays do to this.

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Extinct is when an animal or plant doesn't exist any longer on earth.

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The study of extinct animals is called paleontology. Paleontologists use fossils to understand the history of life on Earth and how different species have evolved and gone extinct over time.

How many animals have been extinct in Iraq?

35 to be exact

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Not extinct but like a hundred fish died on a shore from the water.

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dinosaur...i think so.... No, animals were going extinct long before the dinosaurs. The earliest 'animals' were single-celled organisms, which may or may not have been named by scientists but are of little concern to mere mortals like ourselves. They would have been the ones to have first gone extinct on Earth, billions of years ago.

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This animal below have been extinct for more than 100 years. The Moa has been extinct for about 600 years

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there have been too many to count, like animals that were extinct before we were here