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Antibiotics vs. Anti-viral medications for Colds and FluBacterial VS. Viral Infection:

Antibiotics only work against bacterialinfections. They are a waste of time and money, and can have side effects and potential allergic reactions, so they are not for treatment of a cold or other virus, and should not be used when not absolutely necessary. Unnecessary use of antibiotics is one of the main reasons we have resistant bacteria now that do not respond to treatment with some antibiotics because they have been over-prescribed. Since the cold and flu are caused by viruses, antibiotics do not work for the treatment of those infections.

The first step is being properly diagnosed. If your doctor has diagnosed you with influenza (usually based on clinical symptoms rather than laboratory testing, but sometimes determined using a rapid test that detects the influenza virus in your body), then there are several medicines that can be used.

There are some anti-viral medications available for use with the flu, but to date there are none available that provide a cure for the common cold.

For years, the anti-viral drugs amantadine and rimantidine were the only agents available for treating cases of influenza. Now, however, the drugs oseltamavir (Tamiflu) and zanamavir (Relenza) are most often used. Of interest, in 2009 near the start of the pandemic of H1N1/09, the CDC issued a statement about their concern that one of the subtypes of influenza (Influenza A) may be resistant to Tamiflu. For this reason, they have recommended that cases of Influenza A be treated with Relenza. (Note: the "Swine Flu" A-H1N1/09 is not resistant to either of these anti-viral drugs and both are still being prescribed to treat the "pandemic flu" as of the 2011-2012 flu season. Monitoring continues on an ongoing basis to assure that this is still effective for this particular strain of flu.)

The available evidence shows that starting Tamiflu or Relenza within 24 hours of flu symptom onset can decrease the length and severity of symptoms.

In some cases, when a person is infected with a virus, if they have a lowered immune response due to underlying conditions, they may also be given an antibiotic as a preventive measure to prophylactically treat or prevent potential secondary bacterial infections that might be acquired due to immune compromised conditions. Additionally, sometimes a secondary opportunistic bacterial infection will occur when a person is very ill from a virus, and in those cases, they will need treatment for the secondary bacterial condition with an antibiotic, in addition perhaps to treatment they are receiving for the viral infection. This is often the case with influenza since secondary bacterial pneumonia can be a complication.

The best defense: Vaccines

Of course, the best defense against influenza is still the annual flu vaccination, which, in the 2011-2012 flu season continues to contain vaccine for the A-H1N1/09 pandemic flu in addition to two other types of flu vaccine (known as trivalent flu vaccines since they contain 3 kinds each year). It is nearing time for flu vaccinations as fall approaches, be sure to have yours. They are proven safe and effective.

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