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The same exercises you do on land can also be done in water. Knee pain exercise is better performed in the water because there is less impact on the knee but the resistance is harder. You could start with leg lifts and partial squats.

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What is a good website to check out for knee strengthening exercises?

Knee strengthening exercises is important. You can visit robertstrainingsytems, sparkpeople, webmd and knee-pain-explained online to check out a knee strengthening exercises.

What are some good knee strengthening exercises ?

There isn't a quick way to recover from knee related injuries or pain. You have to keep doing knee related exercises, such as bending and stretching.

What exercises would be good for knee joint pain?

You should talk to your doctor first before starting any exercise for the knee joint pain because they will let you know what type of exercises for you would be good. But some of the exercises he/she will have you do may include a treadmill, an exercise bike, weights, or other exercise equipment.

Where can I find information regarding knee exercises?

Information regarding knee exercises can be acquired in two places depending your current need, a hospital if it refers to knee pain, or a gym fro exercises regarding the knee's performance.

Is physical therapy the best treatment for knee pain?

I believe physical therapy is good for Exercises For Weak & Painful Knees, but if the knee pain getting worse, I suggest to get some advise from the Doctor would be better.

How can I help my brother reduce his knee joint pain?

Knee joint pain has many different causes and each cause has a different treatment. If your brother is overweight, loosing weight will take a great deal of pressure off the knee. Also, good shoes and strengthening exercises can go a long way towards alleviating knee pain.

What are good knee exercises for joint pain?

Some beneficial exercises for any knee problems are leg curls, straight-leg raises, bent-leg raises, and step ups. Also stretching helps with any stiffness or achy joints.

What you shouldn't do while you have running knee pain?

Here is a site for you to look at . However knee pan does not mean you have to stop exercising there are other exercises you can do until your knee feels better.

What is a good source of information on knee pain with running?

There are lot of resources available online which have information on knee pain causes, treatments and how to manage knee pain in long term. There are websites like or which are good resources for information on knee pain with running.

When not to have a knee replacement?

Here are the criteria for when you should have a knee replacement 1) The pain in your knee is affecting your normal daily activities eg walking, stairs etc 2) Your knee pain is affecting your sleep - frequently keeps you awake or wakes you up 3) You have tried exercises to strengthen your knee for a reasonable period with no effect 4) You are in severe pain If your symptoms are not as severe as these, a Knee Joint Replacement is not needed.

What can a person do for pain in their knee and heel?

Exercises and Physical therapy is a good option to reduce pain in knee and heel. Waking on smooth surface, use of customized shoes are also helpful to reduce such pains. Regular checkup from a foot doctor is very important. For more informative ideas, check

What exercises help to reduce foot pain?

To ease the pain in your foot it's imperative to avoid exercises that cause excessive pressure on your knee. The best thing that most of the doctors suggest is to go for a walk everyday for half an hour.