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actually lately, lactic acid has been proved to release at the inadequate supply of oxygen that actually helps delay the tiredness of the muscle. if anything it helps your muscles last longer. theres an advantage :)

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2w ago

Advantages of the lactic acid system include its ability to provide a rapid source of energy for high-intensity activities and its efficiency in producing ATP without oxygen. However, a major disadvantage is the accumulation of lactic acid, which can lead to muscle fatigue and decreased performance. Additionally, the lactic acid system is not sustainable for prolonged periods of exercise.

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Q: What are 2 Advantages and 2 disadvantages of the lactic acid system?
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What are the disadvantages of lactic acid?

Lactic acid can cause muscle fatigue and soreness when it accumulates in muscles during intense exercise. It can also contribute to a decrease in pH levels in the body, leading to acidosis which can impact performance. Additionally, excessive levels of lactic acid can cause discomfort and cramping.

What energy system produces lactic acid?

The anaerobic energy system produces lactic acid. This system is used for high-intensity activities where the body cannot supply enough oxygen to the muscles. Lactic acid is produced as a byproduct when glucose is broken down for energy without the presence of oxygen.

What are the advantages of the lactic acid?

Lactic acid can act as a natural exfoliant, helping to remove dead skin cells and improve skin texture. It also has hydrating properties, making it beneficial for dry skin. Additionally, lactic acid can stimulate collagen production, promoting firmer and more youthful-looking skin.

What sport use the lactic acid system?

Swimming, running, and basketball use the lactic acid system.

What is the limiting factor of anaerobic lactic energy system?

Lactic acid fatigue.

Where in our human body is lactic acid produced?

As Lactic acid is formed from glucose, it is produced in the stomach of the digestive system

What is a sport from the lactic acid system?


Which team game uses the lactic acid system?

Most team games use the lactic acid system. However, this is more common in Invasion games.

One type of fermentation in muscle cells produces?

Lactate (also known as lactic acid) and NAD+

How does the energy system recover?

The lactic acid energy system relies on the breakdown of glycogen to produce energy. As it does not require oxygen to break down glycogen a by-product called lactic acid is formed. If enough lactic acid is accumulated then the body begins to fatigue. To recover, the lactic acid requires oxygen. Once oxgen is present the lactic acid can be converted back to pyruvic acid which can once again be used to produce energy. Therefore to speed up recovery of the lactic system an "active"recovery at a low intencity is recommended. This then employs the use of the aerobic energy system which requires oxygen to be transported to the working muscles, and at the same time removing the fatiguing lactic acid.

Advantages and disadvantages of nucleic acid?

Advantages of nucleic acids include their role in storing and transmitting genetic information, which is crucial for the inheritance of traits and overall cellular function. They also play a key role in protein synthesis and regulation of gene expression. Disadvantages of nucleic acids can include mutations that can lead to genetic diseases and disorders. Additionally, nucleic acids can be susceptible to damage from environmental factors such as radiation and chemicals, which can impact their stability and function.

Is lactic a base or an acid?

acid as in lactic acid?