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Q: What are 3 ways southern states denied freedmen their civil rights?
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Why did the radical republicans in congress think it was necessary to amend the constitution?

to limit power of the southern states to extend civil rights to freedmen to provide freedmen with political power

What did the Southern states think of African Americans in war?

they denied them equal rights, they thought of them as useless.

Which statement best describes a major experience of black Americans in southern states during the period 1880 1930?

They were denied civil rights as a result of changes in State laws and constitutions.

What were laws called that denied most legal rights to newly freed slaves and were passed by southern states following the Civil War?

Jim Crow laws

How did Southern states restrict African Americans politically?

ANSWER:The Southern states denied African-Americans the right to vote.

How did Southern state governments restricted the rights of former slaves?

One by one, southern states met President Andrew Johnson's Reconstruction demands and were restored to the Union. The first order of business was in these new white-run governments was to enact BLACK CODES, laws that restricted freedmen's rights

Which three groups benefited MOST from Reconstruction policies in the southern states in the late 1800s?

scalawags," "carpetbaggers," and freedmen

Why didn't the southern states approve the Declaration of Independence?

states rights

What does not describe the southern states?

They were concerned with people's rights.

How could the southern states regain their constitutional rights?


What reasons do the Southern States have politically that would cause them to fight the North?

For states rights

Why did the southern states seceds?

because we no longer wanted to be part of the union, where the southern states were not considered soverign and the union states did not believe in states' rights like the south did