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Jim Crow laws

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Q: What were laws called that denied most legal rights to newly freed slaves and were passed by southern states following the Civil War?
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Laws passed by southern states to control slaves called?

The blockcodes

Why were laws passed that denied slaves many rights?

The reason why these laws were passed that denied a slaves' many rights is because the laws made it more difficult for enslaved people to escape.

After the Civil War, African American gained many rights and freedoms they were previously denied. Unfortunately, some saw issues with this and these gains were taken away through intimidation and violence when the southern states passed what?

Jim Crow Laws

What did many southern states adopt to limit the freedom of African Americans?

They passed Jim Crow laws and what they called equal but separate laws.

Why did freedom for Americans become a distant dream after Reconstruction ended?

As Reconstruction ended, African Americans' dreams for justice faded. Laws passed by the redeemer governments denied Southern African Americans many of their newly won rights.

What laws were passed by southern states to control slaves?

slave codes were passed to control slavesSlave codes

How do you say passed away in Russian?

The following was gathered from : Passed away = Скончавшийся

What is a bill that is passed over a presidents veto?

The term for re-passing a bill after a veto is called "overriding" a veto. A bill which is passed by a 2/3 super majority vote in both houses of Congress following a Presidential veto is a law.

Why were laws passed that denied slaves?

Because laws were passed becasue slaves dint like how they were treated .how their owners hit them badly or some countries their owner give them money to buy their freedom.

What if an insurance claim is denied because the company found out that the applicant was HIV positive when they passed?

When they passed what? The question is probably, what if the application is denied, because of a medical problem? If that happens try another company. Do you mean if the applicant lied on their application? Then see For more info see

What was a series of laws passed by southern state legislature after the civil war?


what was the Grandfather clauses?

The poll taxes prevented former slaves from voting, but they also denied poor whites the right to vote. To avoid this, some southern states passed grandfather clauses, which stated that if a person's grandfather had full citizenship rights prior to the Civil War, he was exempt from poll taxes and literacy tests. This ensured that African American citizens would still be denied the right to vote, while poor white citizens would be spared.