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Q: What are Louisiana's workers comp laws?
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Check your state laws, all states are different when it comes to worker's comp regulations.

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What happens if a person can not pay taxes on workers comp benefits?

There are no taxes on workers comp

Can you get Carpal tunnel syndrome in both wrists and can it be covered under workers comp?

Yes you can get carpal tunnel syndrome in both wrists. As far as workers comp depends if you can prove that it was related and or caused by your job duties. It also depends greatly on your states work comp laws etc..

If you get hurt leaving work is that workers comp?

if you are off work and leaving and get hurt is that workers comp

How do you spell workers' comp?

workers' compensation

He owes back taxes can he claim workers comp?

Tax debts have no bearing on your eligibility for workers comp.

What is the workers comp class code for finish carpentry?

This question was for Florida workers comp.

Do family members in California need workers comp insurance?

Workers comp insurance has nothing to do with family members. Workers comp insurance is an insurance policy that your employer will have on if in case you get hurt at work.

What type of insurance protects workers who are injured on the job?

This is usually called "Workers' Compensation Insurance", or "Workers' Comp" / "Workmans Comp" for short.

My son and me are going to start a small business with no employees do we need workers comp ins?

Let it be said first that workers compemsation is for your protection and benefit. There are ways around workers compensation. Depending on the business you will need insurance coverage & or Workers comp. In the state of FL you can have your workers sign a form that they are exempt from the benefits of workers comp because they "opt out." Another perk here in FL is that you only need workers comp if you have a cumulative amount of hours on a particular employee. Also, in Fl it is not required that the princal owners on paper of the company be counted as insured. Depending on what state you live in there are of course different laws. The best bet is to just be up front and ask your insurance rep what the current laws are. Ask him about these exemptions and he should be able to direct you further.