

Best Answer

Deluxe, cox,box, exasperate, exit, text, mexican, vex, vexed, hex, hexed, axe, oxen, axle, toxic, taxidermy Axiom,examine,exhibit,excommunicate,existentialism,existence,express,excel,exist, Saxophone,sex,maximum,hexes,sextuplet,Texas,texan,flex,tax, taxed, taxes,laxity, laxed, relaxed,lax,laxatives, wax, waxes, waxier, waxiest excuse

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Q: What are all the words that have the letter x in them that are in the English Language?
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What are all the 3-letter words that have the letters q and you in the English language?

3-letter wordsquaOnly one found.

Give you a six letter word that has no Vowels?

All words in the English language must have vowels. Even one letter words like 'a' or 'I'.

What do all words have in common?

all words in the English language, always have 1 or more vowels, all words have meanings, and English words usually come from, Greek, Latin, or the French language.

What are the all the words with 'd' in them?

There are far too many such words to be able to give a reasonable answer to this question. 'D' is the 11th most common letter in the English language.

Spanish words that start with the letter w?

There really arn't too many words that start with the letter 'w' in the Spanish language. This is because the 'W' is not a Spanish letter, but rather one that they adopted from the English language. The words that begin with a 'w' in Spanish are all nouns.

Kweeiisp any word in the English language using all of these letters?

No, there are not any words in the English language using all of the letters kweeiisp.

What is the most unused word in the English language?

The letter " e" . That's a given and used by cryptologists for decoding. By far, the letter 'E'. Statistical analysis of an average English web page, for example, will reveal that E is used several times as often as any other letter.

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There are no English words that contain all the letters of the alphabet.

What spoken language is Java based on?

English. Please note that the similary between a computer language and a spoken language is very remote. The keywords in Java are English words, or similar to English words, but that's about all, with respect to similarity.

What is a word that is German that is the same in English?

KindergartenZeitgeistAngstPoltergeistDoppelgängerSchadenfreudeErsatzare all German words that have made it into the English language

Is bother a racist term?

No, there are no racist terms in the English language. Language is beautiful and all words have value.

Which letter in the Spanish alphabet is used only to pronounce words from another language?

The letter "w" exists in Spanish, but all of the "w" words are borrowed from another language.