

What are beliefs of democrats?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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Assuming that you mean the modern day Democratic party dominant in the US political system...

Democrats typically believe that it is the responsibility of government to look after the most at risk individuals in a society. They tend to believe that government intervention in economics, education, healthcare and environmental affairs improves outcomes. This belief is rooted in the idea that if people are not helped by the government they will be unable to correct certain market failures that arise in a capitalistic society.

Democratic belief has also been based on what is described as the "veil of ignorance". That is to say, that before one is born he or she has no idea what conditions they will be born into. If you were to ask them what the role of government should be at this point, they would most likely be concerned that they might be born into poverty and would want the government to care for the poorest of people in case they themselves were to be born poor. This does not mean that Democrats believe in the redistribution of wealth on a large scale, only to help the societies least competitive members.

Democrats, generalizing here, tend to side with minorities on issues more so than republicans such as affirmative action, women's liberation, Immigration etc. This is a case of role reversal as the Democratic party until the middle of the 20th century was dominant in the Southern US.

At the most basic level Democrats believe in a more active government that plays a greater role in daily life than their rivals do. The democratic party tends to favor group affiliation and collectivism over individualism.

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