

What are chromosome's and genes?

Updated: 8/22/2022
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9y ago

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A gene is a specific region of DNA that codes for a particular protein.

A chromosome is a long, continuous thread of DNA that consists of numerous genes and regularity information

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Bennett Bode

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Q: What are chromosome's and genes?
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Are chromosomes found on genes?

Genes are located on chromosomes and not chromosomes are located on genes. genes are the basic unit of inheritance and they resides on chromosomes.

Are the chromosomes located in the genes?

No, the genes are in the chromosomes

What is the difference between chromosomes and genes?

DNA is in genes, and genes are in chromosomes.

Are chromosomes genes or are genes chromosomes?

Genes are stretches of DNA that contain code to make proteins. Chromosomes are made up of numerous Genes.

What is the relationship between chromosomes and genes and between genes and DNA?

Chromosomes contain genes which are segments of DNA.

Difference between chromosomes and genes?

Chromosomes carry genes. Genes are inherited material that is in chromosomes. Traits are determined by the genetic information found on chromosomes.

What is the similarities and difference between the segregation of genes and of chromosomes?

Since the genes are on the chromosomes, segregation of the chromosomes is also segregation of the genes.

What are the genes carries on the x and y chromosomes called?

The genes carried on the X and Y chromosomes are called your "sex chromosomes".

The genes on the x and y chromosomes are called what?

The genes carried on the X and Y chromosomes are called your "sex chromosomes".

What role do chromosomes play in inhertance?

Genes are located on chromosomes. Genes are simply regions on chromosomes that code for polypeptides.

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if a cat has 38 chromosomes in each of its body celss, how many chromosomes will be in each daughter cell after mitosis?

Is a gene the same thing as a chromosome?

No - genes are sections of DNA found on chromosomes that encode for a functional product (like a protein).Chromosomes are compact structures of DNA and proteins.