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Seriously.. I could counsel you on what to stop taking, and what you can take and have a few beers, but I'm not going to. Drinking with Xanax and/or Klonopin has killed people before, and will kill them again. I would say if you only had one or the other on board and had 3-6 beers you're going well over the suggested amount (which is none). But on one of those drugs you would probably be OK, just more inebriated. Don't mix 2 drugs like Xanax and Klonopin with booze. Or if you really must, ask your health care provider.

Come on, seriously. You're asking on the internet about a cocktail that could put you under.

And, if you're on Depakote-- you're aware alcohol withdrawals, and even just slight hangovers can trigger seizures, right?

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well, for starters I really don't think I would be taking xanax on top of klonopin along with lamictal..and the part I would worry about the most is the alcohol on top of everything. Depakote is a very strong medication in and of itself and should never be mixed with alcohol. That's what they make the disclaimer for that they put in with your medications. Any time you mix alcohol with medications like that then you are really asking for trouble.

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Q: What are effects of taking Depakote Xanax Klonopin Lamicatal and Alcohol I'm on 500mg of Depakote a lot more should have Xanax XR 1mg-Klonopin 100mg-Lamictal while drinking about 3-6 beers a night?
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What is the molar mass of Klonopin?

The molar mass of Klonopin is 315,715 g.

How many Klonopin can be considered overdose?

How many klonopin does it take to overdoes

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