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Examples of cardiorespiratory endurance might include:

  1. walking up and down a flight of stairs
  2. walking a block
  3. walking on a treadmill
  4. running in place
  5. running on a treadmill
  6. running up and down a flight of stairs
  7. running a block; a mile; 5 miles
  8. doing jumping jacks
  9. skipping rope
  10. doing "cheers" at school
  11. dancing to fast music
  12. large muscle exercises

Anything that gets your heart rate up and keeps it up over a period of time can become cardiorespiratory endurance examples.

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Cardiorespiratory endurance is the ability of the cardiorespiratory system to supply nutrients and oxygen to the body during sustained physical activity without fatigue. Endurance is a factor used to measure physical fitness. Cardiorespiratory fitness is the ability of the heart and lungs to function efficiently and effectively.

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How do you define cardiorespiratory endurance muscular strength muscular endurance and physical activity?

Muscular composition and body type

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.Running Steps .Biking :)

How do you spell cardiorespitoryengurence?

The phrase may be cardiorespiratory endurance, a measure of physical fitness.

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