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Are Tigers friendly? Their beauty is undeniable, with large dark stripes along there fur and they're deceiving cuddly appearance. Tigers are by far one of the most beautiful animals ever created. But tigers are also known for their ferocious look. With 30 teeth created primarily for slicing through flesh, females weighing anywhere from 100 to 200 pounds, and males weighing up to 300 pounds, anyone would be scared of a tiger and across its path. And in some places tigers do eat humans. And unfortunately, once a tiger has a taste for human flesh, they love it.

The lion is a magnificent animal that appears as a symbol of power, courage and nobility on family crests, coats of arms and national flags in many civilizations. Lions at one time were found from Greece through the Middle East to northern India, but today only a very small population remains in India. In the past lions lived in most parts of Africa, but are now confined to the sub-Saharan region.

Mature male lions are unique among the cat species for the thick mane of brown or black hair encircling the head and neck. Both male and female lions roar, a sound which can be heard as far as 8 kilometers away.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago


  • Bengal Tigers are the members of cat family. They can weigh between 500lbs and 700lbs.
  • Their paws can get as big as a man's or even bigger.
  • They are easily recognisable because they are the only cats which fur coat has stripes.
  • They are yellow to orange in black stripes.
  • In colour, they are the whitest, as they have white, stomach, lower jaw, cheeks the inside of the paws and tail and over their eye.
  • A big male tiger is around 10 feet long.
  • The canines used for killing and holding are up to 5 inches long.
  • The raiser sharp claws are hidden in protective layer of skin when not in use. Their jaw can expand out 4.5 inches and can inflict fatal injures.
  • In some males a small mane grows out, but it doesn't offer too much protection.
  • Sometimes on the bengal tigers face you will find some spots, the mark of their madder, a leopard.


A Bengal tiger is orange with a white underside and lots of black stripes. It is five to six ft. long from its head to tail. They have long tails with black stripes. Their coats give them camouflage when hunting. When on all four legs they are about half the size of a man.

A Bengal tiger is a predator. It eats buffalo, deer, wild pigs, and other large mammals. Bengal tigers hunt in the night which means that they are nocturnal. A hungry Bengal tiger can eat up to 60 pounds of food a day. Nothing eats a Bengal tiger. Although Bengal tigers can eat people.

Bengal tigers walk to get around. Bengal tigers communicate by roaring or moaning. They court their mates by their roars and scent marks. They defend their territory by roaring. To mark their territory they leave droppings, scent markings, or scratch markings onto trees or boulders.

Bengal tigers court their mates by either roaring or moaning. The female tiger has up to six cubs. She nurses them until they are six months old. Her cubs will stay with her until they are two or three years old. The female raises her cubs by herself.

Bengal tigers live alone except when they are mating. The advantages are they can't be seen easily by predators. They don't catch diseases as easily as animals that live in groups. The disadvantages are that they have to defend their selves by themselves. They have to hunt by themselves and have no one to help them raise their young.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

Cheetahs are very fast runners and their claws do not retract. This helps them run faster than tigers of any kind. They are also much smaller than tigers.

White tigers are tigers with white instead of orange stripes. It is a genetic mutation. The white coloring is popular with tigers in captivity.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

There are many differences, but I will list some main ones:

Tigers are larger.

Lions have manes, but tigers don't.

Tigers have orange and black fur, lions have sandy color fur

Tigers are more powerful

lions hunt in prides, whereas tigers hunt alone

lions are more agressive

tigers teeth and claws are longer than a lion's

lions can roar more than twice as loud as a tiger

tigers can jump higher

Tigers love water more

mature tigers can kill crocidiles every time, whereas some mature lions are killed by crocs.

Since they live in prides, a lion's success rate in hunts are higher than a tigers

Lions run faster than tigers

Only the Siberian and Bengal tigers average larger than lions.

Tigers are just as fast as lions, both cats can run to 35 mph.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Tigers like water! They often cool off by sitting or swimming in a river.

The Siberian tiger is the biggest cat in the world.

They are at the top of the food chain. Nothing can eat them except humans. they also like to hunt for prey.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

The similarities of tigers and lions are they both are felines and they like some of the same prey. One difference is, that tigers will go in water and lions won't.

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Lions and tigers are completely different species. Baby lions are called cubs

Why are Lions and tigers are captured mainly?

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Does lions hunt with tigers together?

No, lions and tigers do not share the same habitat.

What are the differences between lions and tigers?

The tiger has an orange color with black stripes, while the lion has a tawny buff color. The lion has a mane, while tigers don't. Lions live in groups/prides, while tigers are solitary (that means they live alone).