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McCarthyism originates from the actions of the 50s politician Joseph McCarthy. It is characterized by his accusations against alleged communists. It originated when there was a small communist party in the United States, it did support progressive labor movements, but it also supported the Soviet Union. It got criticized by people from both sides of the political spectrum for its ties to the Soviet regime. This was fine when the US, and USSR were Allie’s against the Nazis, but some American communists decided to prefer the Soviets, and some politicians considered this a major threat to national security. This started McCarthyism, with Joseph McCarthy. Joseph McCarthy accused thousands, usually people of normal leftist views, instead of actual communists. Many of these people lost there jobs, and were blacklisted. They were also investigated, and if they didn’t cooperate they could be jailed. Joseph McCarthy soon became more unpopular though, it took his accusations of the army, to become much more unpopular, and this stopped.

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