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Helios was the sun god of the titans. He was one of the very first gods to ever be worshiped. He is also one of the most powerful gods too. Helios is a young Greek god. He is not an Olympian, but a Titan. Helios has five daughters named Lampeta, Circe, Pasiphae, Phaethusa, and Aeetes. His wife's name was Perse and had one son named Phaeton who also took a big part in a myth, including Helios. His parent's names were Hyperion and Theia. Also the name "Saints" comes from Helios. Also some of the Olympic games including gymnastic games were held in his honor. In fact some people still hold Olympic gymnastics in his honor today Olympics games. Helios was mostly praised where he was born, Rhodes. He was not a major god to the Greeks but to the Romans he was as popular as Zeus in Greek Mythology. The famous Colossus of Rhodes was remade in honor of Helios. The Colossus of Rhodes was one of the seven Wonders of the Ancient World that includes Helios. In this essay some stories and tons more facts about Helios.

Helios had a very natural appearance. Helios was a very handsome, powerful, and bright God. Helios had one weakness; the weakness was his own fire because sometimes it could burn him. Helios is said to have a halo around his head. He did not have faciel hair like most gods wore. He also wore a golden helmet with a golden aureole His eyes were so bright not even the gods could look at him straight in the eye. He is also said to wear a huge robe. He also is a very loving person even thought he is a Titan. Helios had many different names; the one he is called in the Odysseus is Hyperion similar to his father's name.

Helios had a very nice personality. Helios was a very interactive and kind god. Even thought he was a titan he was very fond of his wife, children, and parents. When Helios was young and a baby his mother and father taught him to love but not to hate. He quit his job as the titan sun god because of his son's, death that you will read about in the next paragraph. Helios had many different offerings that the humans would grant him. They mostly sacrifice oxen, rams, goats, and even white horses. He was called upon many times to be a witness for things because he sees everything that mortals and gods do.

Helios has many myths but there was one really famous one including his son Phaeton. Back then Helios was very fond of his children. But Helios was more loving of his son than anyone. So one day after a long day of dragging the sun on the Sun Chariot with four horses named Eos, Pyrois, Aethon, and Phelegon (who were usually referred as bulls) from east to west. When he got back his father came up to him. His son said to and started to praise him to give him one wish. Since Helios was so loving of his son Phaeton he swore by the river Styx he would grant him this one wish. When his son started to speak Helios was in shock. Phaeton said to Helios in a slow voice "I would like to drive the Sun Chariot for one whole day". Since Helios swore by the river Styx he allowed him but Helios tried to change Phaeton's mind but he ignored him. The next day before the crack of dawn Phaeton started to saddle up. Helios still tried to convince him to change his mind but one again ignored him and was about ready to go when Eos slammed open the door and Phaeton was off. When he got out he wanted to bring the chariot up a little

higher but he lost control and went up to high. The reins on the sun chariot felt someone not worthy enough in there presence. Eventually he went up and up so high Phaeton started to get colder and colder and colder until he eventually turned into ice and started to pummel into the earth. When Zeus saw this he knew that it could kill millions of people, so he quickly grabbed one of his lighting bolts threw it down towards Phaeton When it hit the son chariot exploded along with Phaeton. When Helios saw this he swore never again he would drive the sun chariot and retired as the sun god.

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