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One fact about Thomas Stonewall Jackson is the fact that he fought in the Civil War. He was a confederate general. Other facts about him include, he was born in Clarkburg, West Virginia, and he was a graduate of West Point.

Jackson was Robert E Lee's best corps commander, and was feared mightily by the Union forces. Lee dispatched Jackson and his corps to the Shenandoah Valley, where he defeated in turn, three Union armies, and cleared the valley for a time of Yankee forces.

He was instrumental in many southern victories, especially the battle of Chancellorsville, where Lee sent his corps on a 12 mile march to the Union right flank, where Jackson's men crushed the XI Corps and rolled up the Federal right, leading to Lee's greatest triumph, defeating an army more than twice the size of Lee's army.

Sadly, Jackson was shot accidentally by his own troops while on a night time scout, and died a few days later. His last words were, "Let us cross over the river and rest in the shade of the trees".

Jackson's troops were known for their quick, timely marches, and were known as "Jackson's foot cavalry".

"Stonewall" got the nickname at First Manassas, (or Bull Run, to Northerners) when he placed his brigade on a ridge and faced oncoming Yankees, who were driving back General Bernard Bee's division. Bee shouted, "There stands Jackson like a stone wall, rally on the Virginians!"

Bee's men did rally, and together with Jackson's brigade forced the Yankees to withdraw.

Jackson is ranked number two behind Robert E Lee in the list of the greatest generals of the Civil War.

The top ten:

Robert E Lee Confederate

Thomas J Jackson Confederate

U.S.Grant Union

James Longstreet Confederate

William T Sherman Union

Joseph Johnston Confederate

Nathan B Forrest Confederate

Jeb Stuart Confederate

George Meade Union

Winfield Hancock Union

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6mo ago
  1. Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson was a Confederate general during the American Civil War, known for his exceptional tactical skills and fearlessness in battle.
  2. He earned his nickname "Stonewall" at the First Battle of Bull Run, where he stood his ground like a stone wall against Union attacks.
  3. Jackson is widely regarded as one of the most skilled and successful military commanders of the Confederate Army, particularly during the Shenandoah Valley Campaign and the Battle of Chancellorsville.
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