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acting as coenzymes

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Q: What are fats not responsible for?
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What part of the body is responsible for the insulinwhich regulate the metabolism of carbohydrate fats and starches?


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What are Lacteal?

A lacteal is a specialized lymph vessel that absorbs fats in the small intestine.

What is the best type of fat and why?

Healthy fats are mono unsaturated fats and omega-3 poly unsaturated fats, which should comprise around 30% of our daily caloric intake. Since they are important for hormonal production, those fats help increase testosterone levels which are responsible for burning fat and building muscle.

What is trans fat-?

an unsaturated fatty acid that has been changed to a saturated fatty acid

What cell lines the small intestine assembles fats?

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (organelles) cells are responsible for absorption, synthesis, and transport of fats (in intestinal cells). They catalyze reactions involved in these processes.

What kind of lipid forms animal body fat?

Animal fats are formed by triglycerides. Lipids include many things including fats, waxes, vitamins that are fat-soluble, and are responsible for storing energy.

Best sources of fat?

Healthy fats are mono unsaturated fats and omega-3 poly unsaturated fats, which should comprise around 30% of our daily caloric intake. Since they are important for hormonal production, those fats help increase testosterone levels which are responsible for burning fat and building muscle.

why is melted cheese so good?

Cold cheese doesn't allow many flavor molecules to rise to the back of the nose, where they can be sensed. The tongue is responsible for only a small part of flavor perception. Warm fats are usually more pleasant than cold fats. Cold fats usually feel cloying; warm fats feel smooth. The texture is another crucial part of flavor perception.

What macromolecules is primarily responsible for the insolubility of cell membranes in water?

Lipids or fats are insoluble in water. Things that do not dissolve in water are generally termed lipophilic.