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Q: What are found in the classrooms that are similar to which can be observed in society?
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What are found in the classrooms that are similar to what can be observed in society?

here are many things that are similar in the classroom and the society we lived in,first is that inside the classroom there is a teacher that acts as their parents the same as the family in our society.The way does how the students interact in the class can be compared to daily interaction of individuals.

What are found in classroom that are similar to what can be observed in society?

Competition for power and popularity. Jelousy and levels of social class.

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Where can I get some more information on virtual classrooms?

There are many virtual classrooms available in the internet. Many of you may not know what it is exactly. Information about virtual classrooms can then be found at

Where can printable math worksheets be found for free?

One great resource for your child is superteacherworksheets. Here they feature tons of worksheets that would be similar to those find in classrooms for your free download.

Which companies produce portable classrooms?

A few of the companies that produce portable classrooms are Mobile Modular Rents, Modular Classrooms, and Satelliteco. They are still many out that can be found on the web, or even in your local yellow pages.

What is society for australopitecus aferensis?

Australopithecus afarensis. "The Southern ape from the Afar region." A. afarensis society was probably not much different from that observed in Chimpanzees today with the improvements of very crude tools and the use of "found" fire.

What can be found in a classroom that is similar to that of a society?

The Whole Classmroom Has A Students And the Students Has Papers And Papers Are Used For Writing Any Lessons

What is a blackboard?

A blackboard is a smooth, dark surface typically made of slate or a similar material, used for writing or drawing with chalk. It is commonly found in classrooms and other educational settings.

What are found in the classroom similar to what can be observed in a society?

In a classroom, like in society, you can observe various dynamics such as group interactions, leadership roles, diverse perspectives, conflicts, and collaboration. Both settings involve individuals with different backgrounds and abilities coming together to achieve common goals and navigate social structures.

What is the first plant cell found?

First cell observed was a cork cell.So it was the first plant cell observed.

Where were integrated classrooms in 1972?

By 1972, integrated classrooms were present in many schools throughout the United States. The process of desegregation had been ongoing since the Supreme Court's landmark decision in Brown v. Board of Education in 1954, which declared segregated schools unconstitutional. While there were still some areas that resisted desegregation, significant progress had been made in integrating classrooms by 1972.