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Q: What are general somatic efferent?
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Are smooth muscle reflexes somatic?

No, they are visceral and from the efferent or motor neurons.

In contrast to the somatic nervous system the automonic nervous system?

Has two efferent neurons.

Is Conduction through the autonomic efferent chain is faster than conduction in the somatic motor system?


Is the conduction through the autonomic efferent chain is faster than conduction in the somatic motor system?


Is an ankle jerk reflex somatic or autonomic?

Ankle jerk is somatic. It is the reflex action, in which the afferent. connecting and the efferent neurons are involved. Autonomic nerves do not supply the striated muscles.

The stigmatic nervous system contains nerves that run from the central nervous system to the?

Somatic Nervous System. The somatic nervous system consists of both afferent (sensory) and efferent (motor) nerves [1]. It is also responsible for the reflex arc, which involves the use of interneurons to perform reflexive actions. The somatic nervous system, also called the somatomotor or somatic efferent nervous system, supplies motor impulses to the skeletal muscles. Because these nerves permit conscious control of the skeletal muscles, it is sometimes called the voluntary nervous system.

Where is the nucleus located in the neuron?

For spinal nerves transmitting general somatic efferent motor information, the answer is the ventral horn.Autonomic nerves have the cell bodies their motor neurons, general visceral efferent, located within ganglia within the periphery.

Is acetylcholine the substance released by axonal endings of the somatic efferent fibers and by the parasympathetic nerve fiber endings?

Yes, it does. In contrast, the sympathetic nerves release adrenaline

Are general somatic receptors distributed evenly over the body?


What are controlled by somatic division of the PNS?

The afferent nerves of the somatic nervous system carry sensory signals from the skin, skeletal muscles, joints, ears, eyes, tongue, etc. to the central nervous system, while the efferent nerves of the somatic nervous system carry motor signals from the central nervous system to the skeletal muscles.

Where are located peripheral motor neuron cell bodies?

For spinal nerves, the general somatic efferent motor neurons have their cell bodies located in the ventral horn of the spinal cord (sometimes also called the anterior horn).Some of your cranial nerves also have motor neurons located in various nuclei of the brainstem.

What is another name for an efferent neuron?

Another name for efferent neurons are motor neurons. They conduct impulses away from the nervous system.