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I would advise that you go tropical because they are smaller fish in general. The species I advise are also common, pretty and reasonably priced. I would say choose from Tetras, Danios, Rasboras, Barbs, Gouramies, and Dwarf Cichlids. Please remember the rules:- 1 inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water. :- Every fish tank needs a cycled filter running 24/7. :- Every fish tank needs to have at least 50% of its water changed every week.

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Q: What are good fish that fit in a forty gallon tank?
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The rule of thumb is usually a gallon per fish, so six gallons would be good. If the fish are on the large side (like a goldfish), then a seven gallon tank would be ideal.

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The fish are not bad together. But way to many fish for a ten gallon tank. You put one fish for every gallon. They will probly do fine but you will have to clean more.

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The classic rule of thumb is one inch of fish per gallon. Of course, this rule is subject to variation. If your tank has a lot of decoration or if some of the fish are territorial, you'll want fewer tank mates in the aquarium.

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you can put a betta in a 5 gallon tank

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normal rule for fish in a tank is: For every 1 inch of fish there is 1 gallon of water

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Danios or glofish would be a good fish to put in the tank. They are schooling fish which means you would need at least three and I wouldn't put more than 5 in a ten gallon tank.

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You can fit a 5 gallon fish tank on a school going desk.

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Betta fish, guppies, tetras.

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In that 150 gallon fish tank try to put fish and maintain it

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1 gallon tank what type of fish can you put in it?

A 1 gallon tank could have one betta fish, but you will need to be diligent about changing the water on a regular basis. The smallest tank that should be used, even for a betta, is a 2.5 gallon tank as it at least gives the fish swimming room.