

How do you raise tadpoles?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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12y ago

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Well i heard you can get a tank and DON"T put tapwater in. If you want to, in order to not let them die, you use Chlor Out or other products that get cholorine out of the water your using. If it's a baby tadpole, you can feed it, but not alot. Because it feeds it-seflf by using there own yolk. That's all I heard. Bye!

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12y ago
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16y ago

I LOVE to catch frogs!! In July me and like 5 of my many cousins were catching frogs at my aunt house a stuffed them in boxes. We put all of the boxes in my grandma's car. And I was trying to put one of the boxes in the back of the car but failed terribly. The buttom of the box unfolded and at lest 20 frogs came flopping out hopping and coaked jumping all around. My cousin was sreaming while I opened the car door and started grabing frogs and throwing them out trying not to hurt any of them. Me and my cousins all starting laughing at the same time. Anyways catching frogs with your hands is the best and funnest!!

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15y ago

It is greatly advised NEVER to collect or move tadpoles. There are epidemic frog diseases now in all parts of the world. They have already caused the extinction of many species. Frogs and tadpoles can carry diseases, sometimes for months with no symptoms and spread them everywhere they go. If you do collect tadpoles, use the strictest sterilisation techniques. Wear gumboots and put everything you use in a plastic bag. When you return with the tadpoles, burn the plastic bag after putting everything you want to keep in a container of bleach. Bleach your boots and wash your clothes in extremely hot water. This is not overkill, it is the absolute minimum needed to protect frogs. If you do decide to collect tadpoles, recognise that you are doing this because you want to, not because they need you to. The exception to this is when the tadpoles are in a puddle that is obviously going to dry up before they complete their development. This is the ONLY occasion when it is fair to collect more than a dozen or so tadpoles. If you are going to take them, DO NOT move them to a larger body of water if it is more than 1/2 a kilometre away. Raise them as close as possible to where they were collected and release them soon after metamorphosis where they were collected. Tadpoles need to be in a largeish container with room to move around and they need their water kept fairly warm. A large fish bowl with a cheap aquarium heater set around 20 degrees C (temperate climate) to 27 degrees C (tropical climate) is a suitable setup. You don't really need gravel as this just makes the bowl hard to keep clean. Wash lettuce leaves and break off all the thick white parts which tadpoles can't eat, keeping the green parts of the leaves. Put them in a plastic bag in the freezer. Take some out as needed and put it in a strainer. Tip boiling water over it, then hold it under the tap until it cools. The lettuce will turn into a green mush. Tadpoles love it. Change it every day. As they start to grow their back legs they will need some protein. Fish food is ideal. Don't overdo it, because not all tadpoles will eat it and rotting fish food quickly fouls the water. As the tadpoles start to get big legs, they will need to be able to leave the water when ready. This can happen overnight and ground frog tadpoles can drown in this time. Buy a rock from the pet store or test that one you have collected is not pH reactive by dripping vinegar on it - if the vinegar fizzes or bubbles it is pH reactive. When the young frogs have lost their tails, take them to where you got them and release them.

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12y ago

An easy way to catch a frog is by using a net but if you don't have a net than use a bucket. Most people can't catch them with their bare hands, cause they'll hop away real quick. So I recomend you to use a net or a bucket.

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7y ago

Tadpoles are great ! Make a pond in your garden, with some sort of plant - rushes and sedges are best. In spring when the weather is warming up and there is a full moon you will hear frogs croaking and then one morning you will see lots of black eggs suspended in a jelly . Within 24 hours the eggs change shape from round to elongated and then over the next few days they take on the tadpole shape and begin wriggling. Do not disturb them during this time. They feed on the algae for the first week or so, then you can feed them fish food flakes and boiled lettuce leaves as they grow. They eat a lot ! Top up the water from time to time. Not all the taddies make it to frogs, that is nature, but many can take months, depending what sort of frog has bred in your pond.... the noise of their call tells you which type ... and if they like your pond they will come back year after year. Have fun watching !
Tadpoles are very delicate, and will need clean water with no chlorine in it, clean the water once a week but don't chabe all of it because tadpoles feed on their own waste. Creepy I know! Most species do very well on fish food and boiled lettuce. boil the lettuce 10 to 15 minutes and then drain it, chop it up a little and then put it on a tray to freeze. One pinch every couple days should be enough. You will need a rock in the water that sticks above the level of the water so that the baby frogs can climb out, because when they lose their gills and tails they can tire rapidly, and if they aren't treefrogs, won't be able to climb up the walls of their container and will drown. Be sure that the aquarium is in about 3/4 shade. The tadpole should develope from egg to frog in about 6 to 12 weeks (depending on the type of frog and the living conditions.)

you can feed a tadpole small small insects and it needs a rock for shelter to protect it's self and you need WATER!!!!!!!! ( as home for your tadpole).you can feed tadpoles blood worms they are the best for them and you can get them from a pet shop they also eat other tadpoles if they are hungry so u must get water from a stream or somewhere where there is tiny besties. happy raising
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12y ago

Put the tadpole in an aquarium with aged or bottled water. provide both shade and heat. the water should be 70 to 80 degrees.When tadpoles are born, they are herbivores.Feed them a pinch of boiled lettuce, 4 or 5 pellets of rabbit food, or just tropical fish flakes. You can also feed them infusorians, tiny cells of both plant and animal matter. Change the water if it gets dirty & top up as it evaporates. If you see that your tadpole is shrinking it's tail and starts growing legs, do not feed them. They 'll gain energy from their tail. Also, provide a land site such as logs, rocks, and (or) zoo med turtle dock. Your tadpole will start to evolve into a frog in a couple of weeks & turn to carnivores so feed your froglets some live foods such as mealworms, crickets, feeder fish (like gold fish), fruit flies or foods that are made for carnivorous fishes,(such as bettas)

Put the tadpole in an aquarium with aged or bottled water. provide both shade and heat. the water should be 70 to 80 degrees.When tadpoles are born, they are herbivores.Feed them a pinch of boiled lettuce, 4 or 5 pellets of rabbit food, or just tropical fish flakes. You can also feed them infusorians, tiny cells of both plant and animal matter. Change the water if it gets dirty & top up as it evaporates. If you see that your tadpole is shrinking it's tail and starts growing legs, do not feed them. They 'll gain energy from their tail. Also, provide a land site such as logs, rocks, and (or) zoo med turtle dock. Your tadpole will start to evolve into a frog in a couple of weeks & turn to carnivores so feed your froglets some live foods such as mealworms, crickets, feeder fish (like gold fish), fruit flies or foods that are made for carnivorous fishes,(such as bettas)

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14y ago

Step 1 Verify the laws in your state by contacting the Fish and Game department or wildlife agency. You may need a fishing license to collect tadpoles and frogs. Some states have a Frog Season and you will need to make sure you are removing the tadpoles during that time of the season.

Step 2

Find tadpoles in ponds or creeks. Look closely in the water. You will usually find them around algae in water that is fairly still.

Step 3

Use a small mesh net to catch your tadpoles. A fish net that you would use with an aquarium works great. Dip your net in quickly because tadpoles are small and fast and dart off before you know it.

Step 4

Place them in a bucket or jar for transport. Fill the bucket or jar with water from the pond you just fished in. Make sure this water is in the shade and that it doesn't get too hot. Take some of the weeds from the pond with you in the bucket or jar for the aquarium or bowl.

Step 5

Plan to take only the amount of tadpoles that your aquarium or bowl can hold. You need at least one gallon of water for every two tadpoles. Put any extra tadpoles back in the water from which you caught them.

Step 6

Put your newly caught tadpoles in a large fish bowl or aquarium. Use the water directly from the pond you collected the tadpoles from, making sure there is plenty of algae in the water for them to eat. Do not put any tap water in with the pond water.

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13y ago

You just jump with the best of them and catch them by hand.

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14y ago

use a soda bottle, cut the top of, stick it in the other way and your done!!!!!!!!

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How much can tadpoles eat?

Tadpoles will eat as much as they want. You cannot overfeed a tadpole as the body grows depending on how much it eats.I feed all the tadpoles i raise with boiled lettuce. They love it :)

What kind of water do you need to raise tadpoles?

I am raising tadpoles and I found mine at a small pond, and they are doing fine. I think pond water is best, but whatever you do, dont use tap water. Some tap water has chlorine in it that can harm the tadpoles

What are the chief food of frog tadpole?

Algae. If you are trying to raise tadpoles in an aquarium, you can try using spirulina algae flakes. You can get them online at

Where can one learn how to raise a tadpole?

There are many places online where a person can learn how to raise a tadpole. Some include Frog Safe and What do tadpoles eat. A person can also visit their nearest pet store and get information there.

What is the Collective noun for tadpoles?

It is a cloud of tadpoles.

Do tadpoles play?

No. Tadpoles do not play dead.

How tadpoles get air?

Tadpoles start of with gills.

How do you tell tadpoles apart frogs and toads?

"The main differences between toad tadpoles and frog tadpoles are that toad tadpoles are darker sometimes black and are smaller."

Do tadpoles come from fish?

No, tadpoles come from frogs then when the tadpoles grow up they become frogs not fish!

How are tadpoles and frogs a like?

tadpoles are baby frogs

How do tadpoles depend on plants?

Tadpoles eat plants.

Do tadpoles play dead?

No. Tadpoles do not play dead.