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There is no non-kosher fruit.

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Q: What are kosher fruits?
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Are lychee's kosher?

Yes, as fruits are kosher be default. Canned lychees require a valid kashrut certification.

Is Blackcurrant kosher?

Yes. All fruits and vegetables are kosher, as long as they haven't come into contact with the flesh of unkosher animals.

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Do Walgreens neon sour gummy worms contain kosher gelatin?

no it does not it only has gelatin but the gelatins have fruits in them

Is the lac beetle kosher?

Lac bug shell is edible, we have been eating it for years. We cover fruits in lac, and add it to candy (confectioner's glaze). But is it kosher? I have never heard that candies which have confectioners glaze on it have not been declaired as not kosher. Some insects are kosher, even some of the locusts are kosher. See 613 commandments for more information.

Why is sea salt kosher even though in the sea it touches many non-kosher animals?

Sea salt is a mineral and so long as anything that is non-kosher is not added to the dry salt crystals the salt is kosher. To say that sea salt is not kosher because non-kosher aquatic life lives in the ocean would be the same as saying that all fruits and vegetables are not kosher because they've come in contact with bugs.

Are bell-peppers kosher for pesach?

Yes, they are. Wash them well, and consider peeling them if it's not too much trouble.

Which kosher wines are gluten free?

All wine is gluten free as wine is made from fruits that do not contain gluten.

How do you eat kosher food in china?

It's very difficult - you can check with chabad and you can always eat fruits and vegetables.

What is kosher fruit?

Yes, however, depending of level of kashrut observance, some fruits are avoided due to the difficulty in making sure there are no bugs/contaminants in the fruit. One of the best known examples of such a fruit are raspberries.

Which fruits and vegetables are NOT kosher?

Pork Shellfish T-bone Steak (comes from the hind quarter of the cow) Pepperoni pizza (meat and milk are combined) Blood sausage ANYTHING that isn't prepared in a kosher kitchen.

What do people who keep kosher eat for desert?

It depends on what they had for the main meal. In a dairy meal, the kosher person will typically eat "normal" desserts (such as cake, ice cream, pastries - like panna cotta, fruit etc.). In a meat meal, the kosher person will have to eat options that do not contain dairy, such as fruits, sorbets, tofu-ice-cream, or dairy-free cookies.