

What are lapidary's wares?

Updated: 6/28/2023
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12y ago

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Lapidary refers to the art and craft of working with gemstones and creating decorative items from them. The wares of a lapidary typically include a variety of gemstones, minerals, and related products. Here are some common examples:

Gemstones: Lapidaries offer a wide range of gemstones, both in their natural form and as cut and polished stones. This includes popular gemstones such as diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, amethysts, topaz, and many others.

Cabochons: These are gemstones that have been shaped and polished into a smooth, convex shape without any facets. Cabochons are often used in jewelry-making and can come in various sizes and shapes.

Faceted Gemstones: Lapidaries also provide gemstones that have been cut and shaped with multiple flat surfaces, or facets, to enhance their brilliance and sparkle. These faceted gemstones are commonly used in engagement rings, earrings, necklaces, and other forms of jewelry.

Beads: Lapidaries may offer beads made from different gemstones, which are popular for creating bracelets, necklaces, and other types of jewelry. These beads can be of various shapes, sizes, and colors, allowing for creative designs.

Tumbled Stones: Lapidaries often sell tumbled stones, which are small, smooth stones that have been polished through a tumbling process. These stones are popular for collectors, metaphysical purposes, and as decorative elements.

Sculptures and Carvings: Some lapidaries specialize in creating intricate sculptures and carvings from gemstones. These can range from small figurines and decorative objects to larger art pieces and ornate designs.

Lapidary Tools and Supplies: In addition to gemstones and finished products, lapidaries may sell tools and supplies used in the lapidary trade. This includes items such as saws, grinders, polishing equipment, gemstone testing instruments, and various consumables like abrasives and polishing compounds.

It's important to note that the specific wares offered by a lapidary can vary depending on their specialization, expertise, and the availability of different gemstones. Some lapidaries may focus on specific types of gemstones or specialize in certain techniques, while others may have a broader range of offerings.

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James William

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12y ago

A lapidary is one who cuts and polishes stones, so a lapidary's wares would be polished stones, be they free form, cabochons, or facetted gems.

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