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painful. lol.

or where the muscular fibers have been ripped.

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Q: What are muscle tears?
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Micro tears in muscle fibres?

micro tears in muscle fibres

What is a pulled muscle?

When a muscle is pushed to far with exertion, small tears can occur in the muscle tissue. The pain associated with this damage when the muscle is used is called a pulled muscle.

Tearing of muscle fiber is known as?

Rotator cuff tears are tears of one or more of the four tendons of the rotator cuffmuscles. A rotator cuff injury can include any type of irritation or damage to therotator cuff muscles or tendons.

When a muscle tears what cells or tissues tear?

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How are infrared lasers used in the treatment of muscle tears?

Infra-red laser therapy can used in the treatment of muscle tears by helping to reduce the deleterious effects of acute inflammation by stimulating the bodies natural repair process.

Is protein essential to build muscle?

yes because it used for protein synthesis which then repairs the micro tears which occur during muscle building exercises

What happens wen the muscle is outworked?

the muscle tears and rips therefore it rebuilds itself stronger then it was last time and that's how people have huge arms

What are micro tears in muscle?

The destruction of the micro-filaments (actin, myosin) in a muscle cell that enable it to contract. The destruction of these filaments prevent the function of that muscle cell. A large amount of micro tears in a large amount of muscle cells contributes to the soreness present during weight training and is what triggers the body into producing stronger muscles.

How does weight trainign make muscles bigger?

Weight training creates micro-tears in your muscle fibers. When your muscle is repaired using proteins, they have the effect of becoming "bigger".

Is it possible that hard lumps in the shoulder muscles that feel like hard floating marbles and are about the size of a grape are simple adhesions in the muscle?

They may be due to tears in the muscle fibers.

Can stretching prevent muscles from micro-tears?

stretching cant prevent micro tears, but it can help in repairing them. for the bests results, do an aerobic activity first to get your blood flowing, then stretch to allow the blood to fill the micro tears. sourness is also caused by the swelling of the muscles caused by the micro tears. stretching also helps this.

Why does muscle mass increase?

When you do excessive work, your muscles can become strained beyond their limits. This causes very tiny tears in the muscle tissues. (This is why you feel sore after a workout.) When your body is given time to heal, the torn tissue is mended with more muscle tissue. This is what causes an increase in muscle mass.