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The nature of the Atkins diet is to force the body to burn fats and proteins as it's energy source as opposed to carbohydrates. The body will breakdown these molecules into 2-carbon chains faster than the Krebb's Cycle can use them to produce ATP and free electrons (read up about cellular respiration for a better explaination). As a result, many of the 2-carbon chains are excreted as Ketones. Side effects: 1. Ketones STINK. If your liver is producing Ketones it's a sure thing that your breath is going to stink as well. 2. Atkins can rob you of energy, especially mental energy and stamina. Your brain works best when in runs on carbohydrates. If your brain does not get enough carbohydrates it will break down the proteins in your body. 3. Not only does this rob you of energy, you'll also lose lean body mass (aka muscle) 4. Without fiber (a carbohydrate)your digestive system is bound to slow down. Don't expect too many bowel movements while eating your bacon and cheese burgers. Well put by the above poster. I just wanted to add I saw a program on the Atkins diet and it's a dangerous one because of high fat intake. There are simply good/bad fats, but according to the Atkins diet you can eat anything you want fat or not (and that is what some over-weight people want to hear because they hate the word "diet.") The two best diets (or training of good eating habits) is Weight Watchers and the South Beach Diet. Answer There is absolutely no evidence to support an increase of incidence of bad breath in low carbers....What about Atkins followers who dont have bad breath. Atkins or not, you may or may not have bad breath. Far more people are energised. Low carb eating encourages the body to use fat stores as the energy source after carbs, any other way has the body use mostly muscle. "without fibre your digestive system is bound to slow down".... Your digestive system has no set speed Peristalsis is affected by ANY food and lubrication entering the system. Fibre is merely a natural cleansing irritant, natures laxative. Low carbers should get their fibre from vegetables and if necessary drink more water to aid digestion. Low carbers may well have less movements as they are eating less rubbish. Atkins is not a high fat diet....please some time to find out what they are in fact in Atkins does it suggest such bad dietry instruction. "according to the Atkins diet you can eat anything you want fat or not" it doesnt. I can only assume that these comments are made by people who have neither read the Atkins books themselves nor visited the Atkins web site as the comments attributed to Atkins can not be found at source

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6y ago

To answer your question correctly, YES the Atkins diet works. I've never known anyone that it didn't work for who had tried it. It worked for me and I lost about 50 pounds in 3 months time. If I needed to lose weight, I would definitely do it again. The only trouble that I had on the Atkins diet was the sugar cravings. I got the worst sugar cravings. But I found a fix. I would have a Atkins* shake or an Atkins* bar and that would do the job. Also, there are plenty of snacks that are low carb like Just the cheese* popped cheese snacks. They are made from cheese so they are low in carbs. You have to try them out, they're pretty tasty.


Getting low amounts of carbohydrates in your diet isn't good, but getting too much isn't good either. You ever heard of the saying," Pasta ends up on your hips when too many pass your lips "? Well, it's true! Consuming too much carbohydrates can actually make you fat. Your body can pack about 400 grams of carbohydrates (1600 calories) into your liver, kidneys, pancreas and muscle cells. Any amount more than that will be converted to fat. However, this doesn't pertain to the natural carbs in fruits and vegetables, that's why you can eat lots of it and not get fat. Refined carbohydrates such as pasta, whole wheat bread, and cereal can make you fat. And that's why pasta ends up on your hips.


I just saw a great program on diets and what the good and bad ones were. People want to hear about quick fixes to lose weight and those magic words, "Eat anything you want!" Diet and drug companies make billions off of people who want to lose weight and will promise great weight loss while you eat to your heart's content and most don't work! It only takes common sense to know low in fats, sugars and salt (3 things that make people love the food they shouldn't have.) Olive oil is an excellent source for fats, and people can have natural sugars from fruits or even a little honey and of course a little salt in one's diet is a must because of the iodine content. Sea Salt is excellent and I prefer it to regular salt. Less is needed and it has a better taste. It doesn't mean you can't have the odd small order of chips or a hamburger once a week, or that you can't have a small piece of cake or pie. Less is best! In the program the Atkins diet was rated lowest on the scale. Atkins has a theory that one can eat all the fats they want such as eggs in grease, sausages, bacon, etc. I'd love to see his cholesterol readings! The two top diets were the South Beach Diet and Weight Watchers Diet. I would suggest one of the latter if you want to live a long and healthy lifestyle. Get that exercise in there as well and those 8 - 8 ounces glasses of water every day.


The programme I saw put Atkins on top, closely followed by South Beach and then Weightwatchers some way behind but still 3rd best overall. Atkins has no such theory about eating all the fats you want. People should read for themselves what Atkins suggest instead of relying on poorly informed/researched opinions. His cholesterol reading would be lower as naturally occurring cholesterol is perfectly healthy, Just ask a professional dietician or nutritionist. I am on a low carb diet (not Atkins but closely aligned to it) overseen by such health professionals. I am monitored on a monthly basis and over the past 18 months have lost 11st, saw a significant fall in my cholesterol levels, have a healthier heart, lower blood pressure and perfectly healthy kidneys, liver etc. I cannot stress enough how closely my Consultants monitors my health

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15y ago

Nutritional imbalance; don't do this diet without following the good doctor's advice about supplemental vitamins. This isn't a little unbalanced: it is A LOT unbalanced. For fruit lovers, lack of fruit. Often dieters develop bad breath. It is a distinctive breath, but some dislike it. There is a chemical explanation for its appearance, but explaining it doesn't eliminate it.

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13y ago

Its use exposes patients to such potentially harmful side effects as: staphylococcal infections.atunted or delayed growth.(hypoglycemia ).(hyperlipidemia).(urolithiasis).(optic neuropathy)

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The Atkins diet plan is quite controversial. Please see the following for additonal information on the Atkins diet:

Are there any websites that can help me find atkins diet phase 1?

The best place to go for information on anything regarding the Atkins diet is the Atkins site itself. The site for the Phase 1 of the Atkins diet is as follows:, and it provides you with the steps you need to take in this phase.

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Yes, you can eat shrimp on the Atkins diet.

Who started the Atkins diet?

Dr. Atkins

What types of berries can I eat and still follow the atkins diet menu?

The Atkins diet plan does not actually the eating of berries or anything beside protien. Their are certain supplements though you take to help reduce cravings.

Can I eat cornflakes on the atkins diet?

Yes, you can eat the cornflakes while you are on the Atkins diet.

Do I have to buy Atkins food if I'm following the Atkins diet?

You do not need to purchase Atkins-branded food to follow the Atkins diet. You can use any food that meets the nutritional guidelines set by the diet.

Where can I find the atkins diet mean plans?

You can find information on the atkins diet plan from several sources. the main source for the diet plan is going to be on the actual atkins diet web site.

Where can I go to get some information on atkins diet diabetes?

Go to this website because it has the best informations for atkins diet diabetes

How popular is Atkins Diet?

It is very popular. It is a low-carbohydrate weight loss diet created by Robert Atkins. The Atkins low carb diet came to the world with the number one-selling diet and health book in the U.S. "Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolution" in 1972.