

What are shock waves used for?

Updated: 5/25/2024
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13y ago

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In simple terms, a shock wave forms whenever a force moves faster than the molecules of the medium (solid, liquid or gas) can get out of the way. This causes a multiplication of energy at the event that we call a shock wave.

Shock waves are pretty common phenomena and have many different forms, depending on the source of the force and what it is traveling through. Some examples are the crack of a whip, a hammer striking a chisel or a tsunami.

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12y ago
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2w ago

Shock waves are used in medical treatments such as breaking up kidney stones or promoting bone healing. They are also used in industrial applications, like cleaning surfaces or breaking down materials. Additionally, shock waves are studied in physics for understanding wave propagation and high-energy events.

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16y ago

Essentially, when gas travels faster than speed of sound at those conditions, there is a sharp change in properties accross an interface which is one order of magnitude higher than mean free path of the gas: basically over very very small distance. this sudden jump is calles shock; it travels hence shock wave. There may be two kinds: One where the air actually moves faster than c (supersonic planes) and one where the disturbance (shock) travels faster than c and we have a shock wave scenario even when no matter travels faster than c.

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8y ago


Well, 1st of all, let me tell you that it is a term of CFD and aerodynamics. So I guess that you are completely unaware of the terms I'm gonna use for explanation. Let me start with the beginning. Fluid (liquids, semi-liquids or gases) flows are divided into four distinctive categories in terms of their flow velocity. Here they are.

(v=velocity of the flow;


M=velocity of sound in the medium in which flow is taking place)


v<M ==> flow is subsonic

v is very very near to M but still lesser than M ==> flow is trans-sonic

v>M ==> flow is supersonic

v>>>M ==> flow is hyper-sonic

Shock wave is the phenomenon in which flow properties (density, temperature, velocity, pressure, etc...) changes very abruptly due to some obstruction or sudden change of flow direction. You can search images for shock waves in Google very easily and they are very comprehensive, too. Basically shock wave is an imaginary layer behind and after which there are drastic changes of flow properties.

Now, Keep in mind that shock waves can only take place in supersonic or hyper-sonic flows. In trans-sonic flows, shock wave can take place but they are very weak.

In aerodynamics and thermodynamics there are certain cases when a flow passes through a duct, which either contracts or expands very suddenly. Due to this sudden expansion or contraction flow has to either expand or compress respectively. This is the onset of the shock wave. In most of the cases of expansion shock wave, flow is accelerated after the shock.

Hope these explanations are helpful to you.

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11y ago

An shock wave is when a force goes through matter so fast the substance it is going through can't rearrange its molecules fast enough. So it ends up as a shock wave.

When an explosive detonates, the energy from the explosion blasts through the ground so fast, the ground cannot rearrange with the force fast enough, and thus an disturbance occurs on the ground which is why a powerful enough shock wave can destroy structures and move things.

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11y ago

shockwaves (seismic waves) are vibrations that race rapidly outward in all directions from the focus of the earthquake.

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13y ago

Beluga Whales use them to stun their prey.

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What is used to record shock waves?

A device called a shock sensor or a piezoelectric transducer is commonly used to record shock waves. These sensors are designed to detect sudden changes in pressure and convert them into electrical signals which can be measured and recorded.

What is the difference between Ultra Sound Waves and Lithotripsy Shock Waves?

Ultrasound waves are high-frequency sound waves used for imaging internal organs, while lithotripsy shock waves are high-energy waves used to break down kidney stones or gallstones. Ultrasound waves are non-invasive and used for diagnostics, while lithotripsy shock waves are used to treat specific conditions by breaking down stones inside the body.

How do we utilize shock waves to our advantage?

Shock waves can be used in various applications such as medical treatments (e.g., breaking up kidney stones), industrial processes (e.g., cleaning surfaces), and military applications (e.g., shaping explosives). By controlling the intensity and direction of shock waves, we can harness their energy to our advantage in various fields.

Are shock waves transverse waves or longitudinal waves?

Shock waves are a type of longitudinal waves, meaning the particles of the medium vibrate in the same direction as the wave is moving. This is in contrast to transverse waves, where the particles move perpendicular to the direction of the wave.

Do explosive shock waves propigate in a vacuum?

No, explosive shock waves require a medium, such as air or water, to propagate. In a vacuum, there is no medium for the shock wave to travel through, so it would not propagate.

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What is used to record shock waves?

A device called a shock sensor or a piezoelectric transducer is commonly used to record shock waves. These sensors are designed to detect sudden changes in pressure and convert them into electrical signals which can be measured and recorded.

What is the difference between Ultra Sound Waves and Lithotripsy Shock Waves?

Ultrasound waves are high-frequency sound waves used for imaging internal organs, while lithotripsy shock waves are high-energy waves used to break down kidney stones or gallstones. Ultrasound waves are non-invasive and used for diagnostics, while lithotripsy shock waves are used to treat specific conditions by breaking down stones inside the body.

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Your brain does not send shock waves to your muscles.

What is the duration of Shock Waves film?

The duration of Shock Waves - film - is 1.5 hours.

When was Shock Waves - film - created?

Shock Waves - film - was created on 1977-07-15.

How do we utilize shock waves to our advantage?

Shock waves can be used in various applications such as medical treatments (e.g., breaking up kidney stones), industrial processes (e.g., cleaning surfaces), and military applications (e.g., shaping explosives). By controlling the intensity and direction of shock waves, we can harness their energy to our advantage in various fields.

What are shock waves released in an earthquake called?

seismic waves

What is wave length of shock waves?

shock waves do not have a well defined wavelength, they most closely resemble a step function.

Are shock waves transverse waves or longitudinal waves?

Shock waves are a type of longitudinal waves, meaning the particles of the medium vibrate in the same direction as the wave is moving. This is in contrast to transverse waves, where the particles move perpendicular to the direction of the wave.

What has the author Qiang Yu written?

Qiang Yu has written: 'Experimental and numerical study of unsteady shock and detonation waves' -- subject(s): Detonation waves, Shock waves

Waves that can travel only through matter?

Sound, water waves, shock waves, etc

Does the earth shake in the earthquake?

yes,the shock waves spread in all directions like when we throw a stone in a pool of water,as the shock waves goes further the power of the shock decreases